Page 41 of Impromptu Match

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“Aaaand The G.O.A.T. wiiiins!” the commentator yelled into the mic over the roar of the crowd. “Let’s hope Val Kyl-More doesn’t come down with a case of foot-and-mouth disease after that devastating defeat. Our headline match will begin at eleven-thirty p.m., folks, and it’s not one you want to miss.”

“Who’s Corey fighting again?” Larkin’s pink head suddenly appeared between us as he leaned over the back of the couch, making me jump.

I momentarily wondered if Holt would tear his hand from mine, but he didn’t, just huffed and smoothly crossed his legs to hide the wet patch on his crotch. “You were there when I told them the new line-up for tonight.”

“Yeah, but Dan was doing bicep curls at the time, so I wasn’t really listening.” Larkin went quiet. I glanced over and saw he was staring down at our joined hands.

I flushed, but they mostly covered my own wet patch, so I wasn’t going to move them. No way.

“Aww.” Larkin nudged my shoulder. “You’re like two single dads finding a second chance at love in your twilight years. It’s adorbs, honestly.”

“For fuck’s—I’m thirty-six, Larkin,” Holt snapped. “And you know I don’t have any kids.”

“Me neither,” I added. Larkin looked at me with interest.

“Really? So what’s with the jeans?”

“Taylor’s jeans are fine.” Holt glared at him. “Go and sit down. Or go find Seb or something.”

“Uugh.” Larkin slouched lower, flinging his arms over the couch to dangle them from our shoulders. “But Seb just sits in the office and reads the paper while you’re in here. For a werewolf, he’s, like, sooo boring.”

My eyes widened, but I stayed silent. Seb was a werewolf? A werewolf had tucked me into bed last night?

“H-how come Seb doesn’t watch the wrestling?” I asked instead.

“Just not all that interested. And he doesn’t really like crowds.” Holt shrugged. “He’ll sometimes sit in here with us, but like Lark said, he does just usually read the paper. Or do crosswords.”

“Some people might consider him a sexy dork,” Larkin said, then quickly added, “Not me, though.”

I stayed quiet, because I liked crosswords too. Maybe Holt thought I was a sexy dork. I’d be okay with that.

Looking over at Holt, Larkin nudged his cheek with his forearm. Holt hissed and slapped at his hand as Larkin asked, “So who’s Corey fighting?”

“Kenneth,” Holt said irritably, still trying to push Larkin away.

I wracked my brain. “Which one’s Kenneth again?”

“Cyclops. The Optometrist.” Larkin’s elbow bumped my face as he jerked away from Holt’s slapping hand. “Big old eyeball. Oops, sorry, bro.”

A tiny chuckle escaped me as I looked over at Holt. “And you didn’t think I’d realise he wasn’t… human?”

“I figured you’d just think it was prosthetic or something.” Holt gave me a sheepish smile. “Aside from the eyeball, he’s just a big bald guy.”

“He’s thick,” Larkin gushed. “Built like a tank. His stomach looks all warm and soft. I just wanna come on it then give him a full-body massage with my splooge.”

“You’re an animal.” Holt shuffled closer to me until our shoulders touched, forcing Larkin to move out of the way. “I should fire you for sexual harassment.”

“What? That’s not fair! I never say any of this actually to them.” When I glanced back, Larkin’s pale blue face had darkened with a flush.

“No, you just force me to listen to it,” Holt muttered.

“You join in most of the time!”

Holt shot me an embarrassed look and guiltily said, “I do not.”

“I’m super respectful to the wrestlers. They all love me!” Larkin gestured at Cora, who was snoozing on her back on the other couch. “I look after Cora every time Corey’s fighting.”

I felt a little sorry for him, so I gave him a smile. “I’m sure he’s grateful.”
