Page 42 of Impromptu Match

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“Thanks, bro.” Larkin glared at the back of Holt’s head. “You’re cool, Taylor.”

“I’m cool!” Holt twisted around to scowl at him. “I manage a wrestling league, for fuck’s sake. And I… own a leather jacket. That I look really good in.”

“That jacket says Born to Be a Bitch in pink on the back.” Larkin paused. “Okay, yeah, the jacket’s cool.”

“I know,” Holt said smugly, turning back to face the arena. His thumb rubbed over the side of my hand, making my belly dip with pleasure.

The crowd below had migrated back to their seats, and a hush fell over the arena as the commentator started speaking over the microphone.

“Aaand now for our headline match this Friday night, making his way to the ring, weighing in at three hundred and seventy pounds. He always makes a spectacle, folks, and that eye of his is never lazy while he’s in the ring. It’s… The Optometriiiist!”

I sat forward, morbidly curious to see an actual cyclops. Grey smoke billowed down one of the walkways leading to the ring, before a huge, hulking figure emerged in a white lab coat straining at the seams against giant muscles.

His skin was grey-white, and his one eye was enormous, bulging out from his head. Of everything I’d seen tonight, this was the one that made a bolt of panic shoot through me. It looked so… strange. Even from up here, I could see the blue-grey of his iris, because his iris was just so big and his eye was so wide as it swivelled, taking in the audience.

Holt squeezed my hand, glancing over to check on me. I managed a weak smile, but my gaze shot back to The Optometrist as he barrelled down the walkway to the ring. He was thick and heavy, with a rounded belly that still looked firm and muscular under his lab coat. He was scarier than Corey, despite being shorter and nowhere near as ripped.

He leaped over the ropes with surprising agility, landing in the ring with a boom that echoed through the arena. Then he threw back his bald head and roared—a guttural, animalistic sound. A shiver ran up my spine as the crowd screamed and waved their hands.

“It’s all just a performance,” Holt whispered to me, stroking my hand again. “Kenneth’s a really sweet guy. Very quiet. He knits.”

I let out a slow breath, grateful for Holt’s quiet reassurance. “Okay,” I whispered back, tightening my grip on his fingers.

“Making his way to the ring…” The commentator paused dramatically as the crowd fell quiet, vibrating with excitement. “Weighing in at four hundred and fifty pounds. You’re never going to see a nip slip with this green giant, folks, but his best assets are always on display. He has the tusks. He has the tassels. He brings that furious temper to the ring every time… It’s… the Tasselled Tussleeeer!”

The screams of the audience rose to deafening levels. Corey was definitely the crowd favourite, and I could see why when an explosion of gold glitter and pink smoke filled the air. A rapid, pounding drumbeat reverberated through the arena.

Corey emerged from the smoke in his tiny pink panties with a small pink cape over his shoulders. His glittery pink nipple tassels were on full display, and he was already bouncing his giant pecs to make them spin as he stopped and posed with his hands on his hips.

“Wow,” I breathed. It really was mesmerising. He was just… enormous. And strangely glamorous despite being half-naked. His green eyes looked gorgeous with their pink eyeshadow and long dark lashes. Every inch of him sparkled with body glitter, which somehow highlighted every bulging muscle in his arms and stomach and tree-trunk thighs.

“You can see why they love him, huh?” Holt said as I stared in awe.

“Yeah. He’s…” He was magnificent.

“No commentary on Corey, Larkin?” Holt asked dryly when he stayed quiet behind us.

“I know the orc behind the tassels too well,” he replied solemnly. “Too high maintenance. I mean, maybe it’d be okay in an orgy situation…”

Holt huffed, disentangling our hands to sling his arm over my shoulder. He leaned close and murmured in my ear, “Bet you’d like to see that, wouldn’t you, Taylor? All those hot, sweaty wrestlers having a big orgy in the ring. Corey’s nipple tassels spinning as he bounces on Nunhallowed Pound’s big incubus cock.”

Good grief. I swallowed, my fingers digging into my thigh as I stared unseeing into the arena.

“High Lord Crossbody and Blood Suckapunch wrestling naked and all oiled up, sliding their dicks together.” He nuzzled my ear, his breaths shallowing. “Pretty sure Crossbody has a piercing down there. I’ve heard him talking about it.”

“Holt,” I wheezed quietly, shifting on the couch as my cock started thickening again. I was picturing it. All of it. Damn it, I knew Holt was a menace!

“I have a piercing down there too,” he whispered in my ear, making my cock stiffen fully in a rush. Oh my god. What piercing did he have? Would he let me play with it with my tongue?

Holt’s hand was dangling over my shoulder, until he cupped the side of my neck and stroked his thumb over my pounding pulse.

“I want to feel you come again,” he murmured raggedly in my ear. “It made me come so hard.”

In a dazed rush, I remembered that he could absorb emotions—feel what someone else was feeling. Oh my god. He’d felt my orgasm? And it’d made him come too. He’d felt it that strongly?

That was the hottest thing I’d ever heard.

Vision briefly going spotty with nerves—I’d never been this bold—I slid my hand onto his thigh and trailed it up until it smoothed over his erection through his pants. Holt’s breath caught, his hips briefly pressing up into my palm.
