Page 66 of Impromptu Match

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“Look at you.” My eyes swung back to Blood Suckapunch at the sound of his low, raspy voice. He grinned wide, sharp white fangs flashing. “Gods, you’re just so… human.”

“Unholy shit, he’s fucking amazing.” Nunhallowed Pound was scrambling up from the couch. He stepped onto the coffee table and clambered over Dullahan Dan, whose severed head scowled in irritation. “Oh Lucifer, he looks so… corruptible,” he purred as he reached me.

“Gabe,” Bedrock Biff Clawstin growled sternly, but was staring at me too as he rose and made his way over.

The Rolling Rimmer’s towel nearly slipped off as he leaped to his feet, chucking the controller on the couch, and approached with a hungry look in his eyes. “He looks tasty.”

“Leave the poor man alone, Vince.” Mads, Lady Victoria Venom, had stood up too, and I could feel her keen gaze running over me through her sunglasses as she cocked her head. “Although, look at that body. I kind of want to throw him around.”

“I bet he’d look real good with his neck under my hoof,” Heidi, The G.O.A.T., growled as she and Val Kyl-More approached.

“Alright, that’s a little inappropriate.” Holt frowned, tugging me closer to his side. I jumped when I heard a loud sniffing sound by my neck, and realised Vince had leaned in close.

“Fuck, he smells sooo good.” Pale, milky eyes lifted to meet mine as he purred, “What is that, store-brand cologne mixed with a long day at the office?”

“Look at that pert little ass in those slacks,” Biff growled, leaning back to check me out as he slung his arm around Nunhallowed Pound’s neck.

Holt let go of my hand to clamp his palm possessively onto my ass cheek, glaring at Biff. My face was on fire.

“What the hell is wrong with all of you?” Holt snapped. “You’re acting like you’ve never seen a human before.”

“We haven’t ever seen one down here, in our domain.” Vince gave me a wide, toothy smile. “It’s hot. He looks so… out of place.”

“Like a shy little nymph surrounded by a sea of slavering beasts,” Blood Suckapunch added, red eyes flashing.

“Well he’s not. He’s an actual person.” Holt shot his wrestlers a threatening look. “So stop talking about him like that.”

“I know, but… look at those loafers,” the incubus rasped lustily, glowing white eyes roaming down my legs. “Those sexy little tassels. Corey’s gonna love ’em.”

“That blush,” Blood Suckapunch groaned, clawed fingers hovering close to my cheek, making me squeak and shuffle closer to Holt. “It’s going all the way down his neck. I bet his chest is nice and red too.”

“That necktie is doin’ things to me.” Dullahan Dan had stood up to join the cluster of hulking wrestlers surrounding me, blue eyes trailing down my frame from the severed head tucked under his bulging arm. He looked up at me and grinned slyly. “You ever been with a man who can suck his own dick, handsome?”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Holt snapped, wrapping his arm protectively around my shoulders and yanking me tight to his side. He muttered under his breath, “Asshole, throwing his auto-fellatio abilities in my face like that.”

“Yeah, chill. Jesus.” Larkin sounded a bit put-out that the focus was on me and not him.

Nunhallowed Pound—Biff had called him Gabe—smirked over at him. “Don’t be jealous, pretty boy. You know the offer still stands for you to join me and Biff someday.”

Larkin’s pale face flamed a darker blue, which kinda surprised me, before he smirked back. “You wish, incubussy.”

“I’ll let you plough my incubussy all night long, Lark,” Gabe purred, “once you stop being such a tease.”

“Why don’t we all start acting a bit more professional, huh?” Holt said impatiently, shooing the wrestlers away with his free hand. “Stop crowding him. Christ.”

“You’re all behaving like beasts.” A new voice rang out, low and lyrical and commanding, as High Lord Crossbody pushed his way through the gaggle of wrestlers. His chest was still heaving from his run, his half-naked body gleaming with sweat and a towel wrapped around his neck.

He took my hand and bent slightly as he raised it to his lips, smirking up at me, hooded mauve eyes flashing. “A pleasure.”

Fresh heat flooded my face as I stammered, “H-hi. Pl-pleasure to… I’m Taylor.”

“Taylor,” Crossbody purred, straightening as he took me in. He sighed, head cocking. “Aren’t you just stunning. So deliciously human.”

“Don’t worry, I tell Taylor all the time how hot he is,” Holt said snippily, tightening his grip on my shoulder. “I told him many times yesterday. At his place. Where we were. Together. Just the two of us.”

Crossbody smirked at him, but raised his hands placatingly and stepped back.

“You like video games, Taylor?” Vince was still eyeing me hungrily, his long tongue coming out to lick his lips. “Wanna play? You can sit on my lap so I can teach you the controls if you don’t know how.”
