Page 35 of Just A Kiss

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She stiffened visibly. The flash of heat directed his way was as sharp as a dagger, cutting through his resolve. Her voice clipped icily.

“I don’t know what you’re implying, Mr. Sinclair, but let me set you straight. Firstly, you should direct your condolences to Drew’s cousin. He might care. I don’t. Secondly,” she held up her hand when his mouth opened. “Drew Carver wasn’t my husband. I left him when I found out...” Her lips thinned. She tossed her hair back. “It took me eighteen months, but the divorce was finalized two weeks ago. Thirdly, I wouldn’t have Drew’s child even if he paid me ten million dollars.”

“How about fifty million, Mrs. Carver.”

Penny’s eyes flashed to the man now standing next to Alexander Sinclair. Equally tall and just as attractive, she’d been too enraptured to pay him any attention until now.

“What are you implying and who the hell are you?”

“Blake Harper, Alex’s partner.”

“You know what, I don’t care who or what either of you are. I don’t owe you any explanation. Drew wasn’t my responsibility and I don’t want any part in the trouble he got himself into. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I—”

“Mrs. Carver—”

“Oh, for goodness sake! Not another one,” Penny snapped and spun around. “What do you want?”

She was too annoyed to be intimidated by the mammoth man facing her.

“I’m Agent Mark Farrow, FBI. I need you to come with me.”

“Why? I haven’t done anything wrong.” Penny suddenly felt the world spinning around her.

“Then you have nothing to worry about. Shall we?” He stood to the side and gestured toward the black SUV standing at the curb.

“No, we shall not. Not until you tell me why the Federal Bureau is taking me into custody.” Penny refused to budge. She might be petite, but she knew how to stand her ground.

“I am the senior agent in charge of the Corporate Criminal Fraud division of the FBI. Misuse of corporate property for personal gain and resultant tax violations are seen in a very serious light, Mrs. Carver. We have reason to believe that you were involved—”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I can assure you, Mrs. Carver, corporate fraud has the potential to cause immeasurable damage to U.S. economy and investor confidence. Now, please, let’s go,” Mark’s voice deepened with authority.

“I’ll follow you in my own car, Agent Farrow,” Penny asserted. She dug out her keys from her bag.

“I’m afraid I must insist that you drive with me.”

“Insist all you want. Unless you have a warrant to arrest me, I will follow you. I have done nothing wrong and being accused of criminal activity hasn’t improved my day. Now, let’s go. You’re wasting my time.”

Penny ignored the two men who were watching the interlude silently. From what Blake Harper had said, she had no doubt they knew exactly what was going on.

Which was a hell of a lot more than she did.
