Page 29 of Knot for You

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“Uh, you have a package. Or a delivery?” she sounded unsure as she dropped her feet to the tile. She turned around towards the large bouquet on the counter behind her. They were bright oranges and pinks. Overall, the flowers were stunning. There was no way else to describe them.

My eyes widened as she passed them to me over the desk.

“These are for me?” I asked, needing to be positive.

“Looks like it.” My RA looked at the tag. “Your name is on it. Maybe it’s an admirer.”

Oh no.

“Oh.” I tried to keep my voice steady as I reached for them, taking the flowers complete with a vase in my hands. How much did these kinds of flowers cost? “Okay.”

She gave a small wave before sitting back down in her seat with a book bent at the spine.

Making my way up the stairs to my room, I shut the door behind me with my foot before I set the flowers on my desk. The card hung from one of the stems. I stared at it with my hands on my hips as my heart pounded in my chest.

Gah. I was being ridiculous. I tore the note off and read.


Something beautiful for a beautiful girl who will hopefully go out with me on Friday at six?


PS. Jacob isn’t the best at introductions.

I snorted. That was one way to put it.

Leeson left his number on the bottom of the card. My chest heated as I leaned in for another sniff of the fresh flowers. They were mine. Leeson got flowers just for me.

Warmth spread through my chest as I adjusted them on my desk so they sat at the perfect angle yet would still get some sun that came through the window.

Once I got settled in my room, I started on my next round of assignments that I, according to Dr. Myers, was already behind on because of the discrete notice all of my professors were given. Hurt and anger brewed in my chest as I thought about it, wondering what it even said.

Something like, oh, there is an omega in your class. She’ll probably be out for a week around this time.

Huh, I wonder what it could possibly be that she’s out for.

Probably a very intimate private situation that she didn’t want to have broadcasted across the entire campus. Average omega biology or not!

I marked another note, underlining it in my notebook with a slash.

A gentle knock sounded at the door. “Come in.”

Shelby squeezed through the crack she made before shutting it again. “Hey, are you okay?”

I looked down at myself, swaddled in my blankets, and worked through my homework. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

Her eyes turned to immediately see the flowers. It was hard not to see them.

“Looks like the courting has started.”

What was she talking about? “Courting…”

“Come on,” said Shelby. “It’s like I know omega culture better than you do. Are you kidding me?”

Courting. I walked over to the flowers again. I resisted the urge to lift them up and promptly drop them into the trash but… they were so pretty. I just didn’t think about the fact that they were attempting to court me. When alphas courted an omega, usually the omega was still at the omega academy. They sent various gifts they thought their omega would appreciate (and almost all omegas loved a good gift). They sometimes wrote letters and invitations to dates too before they decided if they were a good fit for one another whether it to be one alpha or an entire pack. I never thought I would get any of that.
