Page 73 of Knot for You

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“I hadn’t heard that joke yet.”

“Ah.” His brow furrowed.

“Is your mom an omega too, like Leeson’s mom? Or is she a beta or an alpha?” I realized how bad it sounded asking all this. It didn’t matter. I was still shocked he was talking to me.

Not yelling.

Not rejecting.

“My mom’s an alpha which is odd I know but?—”

“My mom was an omega. She left.”

“Left?” I paused. “Did your parents get a divorce?”

“Nope,” he said. “She up and left one day. Decided this wasn’t what she planned for her life.”

“What wasn’t what she planned for her life.”

He huffed, pausing. We were back to the silent treatment.

Slowly we traveled up the street until we were back on the main road leading to campus. Turning down the bend, I was shocked to know that Silas knew exactly which dorm I lived in as well as which door was the easiest to park by. He pulled into one of the spaces.

Then, he pulled the keys out of the ignition and unbuckled.

“What are you doing?” I paused, halfway out the passenger door.

“I told the others I’d walk you to your door.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I said I would.”

“I know, but you can see the door from here,” I countered.

“Just let me walk you home, omega,” he said, final.

There was no way out of this. I slowly got out, but not by the time he rounded the front of the car. He shut the door for me before extending a hand towards the sidewalk.

I walked where he indicated until we made it to the front of the residence hall. I laid my hand on the handle to get inside. “See? Made it. All good and safe.”

Silas raised his eyebrows and looked at me like I was stupid. “Inside to your actual door.”

I huffed. We made it all of two steps inside before the RA on duty glanced up from the desk. It was the one that lived a floor above me and handed over the flowers Leeson had delivered after first meeting me.

Her eyes widened on Silas, glancing between the two of us. “Uh… He's yours?”

No. “Unfortunately.”

Silas chuffed. Was that… a laugh?

“He’ll need to sign in.”

A light huff escaped him.

“I’m fine walking up a few stairs.”

He quickly scrawled his signature. I watched the way his wrist moved while he wrote. He was left-handed. Of course, I knew that from before when I watched him play on the ice at hockey practice by the way he held his stick—hockey stick.
