Page 26 of Persephone

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Persephone put her arm around his waist. "You know I hate people calling me that, but it kind of turns me on when you do it."

Hades smirked. "I know."


Hades knew that any gods who thought starting shit in Elysium was a good idea would meet the full force of his Court. That didn't mean he wasn't cautious when gods began to appear in the gardens. The triplets were on guard while pretending they weren't. Hades took up a place at the pavilion's door to greet newcomers.

Bellona arrived first with a wide grin. "Hades. Been a while."

"Bellona, nice of you to come. Persephone mentioned she met with you on Isis's island," Hades said, and they clasped each other's forearms. "Set will be glad to see you. He is also on his way."

"Good! Well, now, this looks like quite the party. Who would have thought an old dog like you had a few tricks left," she teased and shot him a dirty wink before heading inside. Hades watched as his Court made her welcome, but everyone looked ready for trouble. Ah, his wonderful family of monsters. Bellona seemed to find it amusing and went to see Persephone.

The following two Romans arrived simultaneously, glaring at each other as they tried to reach Hades first. The goddess of thieves had only become slier and more wily-looking since Hades had last seen her.

"Laverna, thank you for coming," he greeted and kissed her hand. "Try not to steal too many things while you're here."

Laverna placed a hand over her heart. "Me? I would never steal anything from you, Hades. Maybe from Hermes just to piss him off, but never you."

"You should watch her all the same," a tall god said as he joined them. He had short, dark brown hair, neatly groomed stubble, and amber eyes. His suit was black and bespoke, just like the rest of him. The Italians always dressed to impress. "You can't trust the rabble around expensive things, Hades."

"Play nice, Romulus," Hades said and shook his hand.

"I will if she will."

Laverna glared up at him. "I happen to be a friend of the mother! Why the fuck are you here? No one invited you."

Romulus smiled, and Hades could almost see the wolf under his skin wanting the fight. "New gods have been born. I'm here to show respect. Something you could do with a lesson in. I'd be happy to teach you if you ask nicely."

Laverna smiled and fluttered her lashes at him. "Withrespect, you can eat my ass, dog breath."

"It's not an insult if I know it's something you will enjoy," Romulus shot back with an equally charming smile. Laverna only rolled her eyes and walked into the tent to see Persephone.

"I see you two still haven't become friends," Hades said with a soft chuckle. "Are you sure Rome is big enough for the both of you?"

"She has the underground. I have the surface as it has always been. We try to stay out of each other's way," Romulus replied. He bowed to Hades. "I had best go and introduce myself to your lovely lady wife."

Hades watched him melt into the crowd and shook his head. Some things never changed, and the gods of Rome clashing with each other was one of them. A whisper of an ancient presence had Hades whirling back around. A woman dressed in black and dark purple stood at the garden's edge. She looked hesitant, something he'd never seen on the face of the goddess before. Hades walked across the bright green grass to where she was lingering.

"It looks like quite the party," she said in greeting.

"It's nice to see you, Eris. Won't you come in?" Hades asked and offered her his arm. Still, she hesitated. "Don't worry. Your curse doesn't work here."

"Are you sure? It's one of the few times where I don't want to cause chaos," Eris replied. "You all seem so happy."

"I want you to come and see my children. You are welcome here," Hades assured her and smiled when she took his arm. "I know better than to leave you out of any party."

Eris chuckled. "Don't worry. I didn't bring any apples of discord with me."

"We have plenty of that with Laverna and Romulus already," he replied.

Eris sighed. "They need to fuck and get it over with."

Hades laughed loudly, and they crossed the gardens into the pavilion. Eris got a few curious looks, but Hades lifted a brow in warning, and Medusa came forward with an extra cocktail.

"Eris! It's been forever," she said, kissing the goddess on the cheek.

"Medusa. Still turning men into stone?"
