Page 33 of Her Leading Man

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As the four turned the corner Anne gave a fretful shake of the head. “Hey!” she yelled as the man turned and bore down on Jenna. He bumped into her, throwing her off balance, then gripped her arm to prevent her from falling.

The hulking figure held her close, and Jenna stared openmouthed as Nick Lombardo steadied her. “Sorry for being so clumsy, miss.” He spoke loud enough for the others to hear. “I have a security job to do backstage and I’m running late.”

He further closed the gap between them and whispered. “Your little girl is a real beauty, sweetheart, just like her mother. I’ll be keeping an eye on both of you tonight, so you relax and have fun. No one is going to bother you.” He lumbered ahead and disappeared down the hall.

Anne gasped. “Are you all right? I thought he was going to tackle you to the ground.”

“I’m fine. That’s New York for you…everyone in a hurry. C’mon, girls, let’s get inside.” Jenna showed the passes to the security guard, and they all entered into the clamor.

Swiping two glasses of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter, Anne handed one to Jenna and downed the other. “What was that all about? No one is that clumsy. That man was aiming for you.”

Jenna whispered behind her cupped hand. “It’s okay. He’s my bodyguard.”


“Shh. His name is Nick Lombardo and he used to be my bodyguard. My guess is Eric sent him to babysit.”

“Myguessis your movie star ex-husband still has a real case for you.”

Anne’s diagnosis was cut short by the appearance of a beautiful young girl with a wealth of long blonde curls that trailed to her waist. She slipped through the crowd hugging and kissing people, a wide smile effectively drawn on her face. Anne snuck a few pictures as Jenna inched her way to the corner.

Nick stood nearby, one of a dozen or so bulked up men, standing sentinel—quiet, unassuming, but ready to pounce should the need arise. Jenna was enormously grateful for his presence.

As she expected, the party was the usual Industry schmooze-fest. Backstage affairs were part lavish feast, part command center. Corporate suits shook hands, pitched ideas, and forged alliances. Celebrities and power brokers mingled. Jenna stood alone in a corner, her collar pulled up high, and her hair mussed toward her face. She watched as Kylie Harte autographed Janie and Riley’s T-shirts. Then, feeling as if the activity in the room stilled, oxygen seemed to thin. Looking trim, tailored, and a bit grayer, Alan Stark stood nearby, his eyes riveted upon her.

He didn’t break his stare and the possessive glower peeled away ten years. Jenna almost heard him directing her every action, telling her where to go and what to do…who to talk to. As a flight response of adrenaline sped through her bloodstream, she moved away to escape. Then she remembered who she was and stood firm. He had no power over her.

Nick blocked the path as Alan stepped forward.

“It’s okay,” Jenna said. “I’m sure he just wants to say hello.”

Nick leaned close. “Keep your conversation short,” he warned and moved no more than a yard away.

Alan stared expressionless, his features looking forced into an intentionally blank canvas. Still, his chest rose and fell as if breathing was a struggle. “You look beautiful, very different but still beautiful.”

“I’d like to say thank you, but I’d prefer it if you didn’t compliment me.”

“Fair enough.”

Jenna looked at her former manager as if seeing him for the first time. For all of his Hollywood power and connections, he was still a slight and inconsequential man. She angled her chin toward Kylie Harte. “I hope you aren’t smothering that kid, controlling her…treating her like you own her the way you did to me. Let her have some space and live her life.”

Alan huffed, and his face melted into folds. He brought his drink to his lips and sipped. He appeared already drunk, his shoulders slumped forward like a crestfallen child’s. “No one tells that brat what to do. I’ll be chasing her all over Manhattan tonight to get ahead of whatever trouble she gets into.”

Jenna shook her head. “Maybe you should manage the careers of adults instead of exploiting children.”

Music pounded the air and a steady line of people brushed by. Voices and laughter rode along as guests circulated.

“Goodbye, Alan.” Jenna disappeared into the crowd.

She didn’t look back. She’d said all she had to say.

Chapter Nineteen

Eric shaved and ran a brush through his hair. He grabbed the towel from around his waist and mopped up the residual shaving cream from his chin. The sweep of the soft terrycloth on his naked flesh roused him into a semi-erection. “Down, boy.”

It was a command to the part of his body of which he had very little control. He laughed at the irony. The biggest “heartthrob”on the screen couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had sex.

He’d had the opportunity, but not the desire—not for his wife, or for any of the actresses, models, lawyers, producers, waitresses, or even high-end escorts he met. His desire was for only one woman. He’d known it for years, but had been too busy, afraid, or too plain stupid to do anything about it. He was going to do something about it now and straighten things out between them once and for all.
