Page 40 of Her Leading Man

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Over the phone, Bree gave instructions to photographer Larry Belka. “Book a flight into any New York airport and get a rental car. From the city you’ve got about a two-hour drive to a place called the Trails End. It’s right outside of a small town called Cromline. Write it down.”

Bree listened as he mumbled while jotting his instructions. “C…r…o…” and so on. “Got it.”

“Get her routine down, but make sure she doesn’t see you.”

The strike of a lighter clicked and Larry made a sucking sound. Bree wondered how he was always able to get such clear shots with a cigarette perpetually dangling from his lips.

“Not my first rodeo,” he said.

“Don’t pull an attitude with me, Larry. You’re going to be paid very well for a very easy job.” She waited as he dragged more smoke into his lungs. “I want you to leave as small of a paper trail as you can, but unfortunately no one flies these days without identification. Same goes for rental cars or I’d have booked everything for you. The motel, however, won’t care what name you use.”

“So, what you’re saying is it’s a dive.”

Bree’s tongue scraped at her palette audibly. “It’s in an obscure location. I can’t have you bumping into her or my husband.”

The register of Larry’s voice rose in excitement. “Laine is there?”

“Possibly, but I don’t want you to take any pictures of him with Angel. I don’t want the whole damned world to think they’re an item.” Bree was iron girder firm, then her tone eased into the fluid notes of an inspirational lecturer. “My husband’s picture is in the paper all the time. But…Angel and Mark Chambers? Sell those to the tabloids and you won’t even need the money I’m paying you.”

Bree’s next call was to her private investigator, Stephen Powers. “I’m ready for Chambers.”

“There’s a problem.”

“Problem?” Her fingers seized viselike around the phone. “You were supposed to have him ready for me. Fix it.”

There was a tinny snag of static through the speaker of Bree’s burner phone; she had to make Powers repeat himself several times.

“It wasn’t easy finding him. He doesn’t have a job or a driver’s license. After I found him, he demanded cash to stay put.”

“And?” Sound squealed through her phone like feedback, and she had to extend her arm away from her ear. “What the hell is that noise?”

“Sirens. I’m in the dregs of Chicago and like I said…there’s a problem.”

“Enlighten me.”

More words were repeated, the connection lost, and entire sentences recapped before it became understood that Mark Chambers had been arrested after roughing up a prostitute.

“Even hookers find him repulsive. You might want to rethink this plan of yours.”

“I didn’t ask for your advice. Pay off his hooker, post his bail, and bring him to New York.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

The muscles in Eric’s shoulders burned from the chore of carrying cinderblocks to the back of the yard. Working on Ina’s property was a better workout than any he had ever had in his private gym at his Pacific Palisades estate. Although he wasn’t overly fond of the house, or how a wrong turn required search and rescue, he did miss his spa tub. A good soak would do his aching body a world of good.

Now that the roof was done, it was on to grouting the foundation. Being onterra firmawould be a welcome change. The place was starting to shape up. After the foundation was sealed, the plumbing replaced, and new wallboard plastered, it would be just a matter of cosmetics. Ina had gotten her loan and hired an electrician. Wiring was the one thing Eric wasn’t sure he could tackle on his own. He worked tirelessly into the late afternoon and then got ready for his date.

“Well, these won’t do,” Ina said, holding up a pair of jeans with a hole in the seat. “And this shirt! Good Lord, haven’t you ever heard of an iron?”

Eric dug through his leather satchel and proudly pulled out a fresh pair of jeans and an Oxford shirt as wrinkled as the one in Ina’s hand.

She shook her head, her gray hair fluttering. “It’s no wonder nobody around here believes you’re a movie star. You’re a slob. It wouldn’t have killed you to go out and buy something decent to wear.”

Eric smiled and winked at Ina. “Darlin’, everything I need is right here.”

His flirtatious teasing never failed to bring a blush to her face, and she waved her hand across her cheek. “Save all that charm and bullshit for your young lady.”
