Page 43 of Her Leading Man

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Jenna shivered as he cupped one of her breasts. The pad of his thumb was callused and rough against her nipple and she shivered more. She arched her back in offering. He peeled her blouse and silken bra from her, and they fluttered away like dandelion seeds on a breath. Then his mouth was on her bare skin, warm and wet, as he moved from one tight peak to the other. She ran her fingers through his hair and down his neck to his back, languorously glancing over ridges of muscle.

Then the smooth seductive ritual of foreplay became a sudden clumsy grappling—shoes thumping to the floor and more of the whooshing of clothing being removed. A ball of denim, silk, and cotton collectively hit the carpet. In one fluid motion, Eric was between Jenna’s thighs and deep inside of her, her legs tight around his back. She pressed her hips to his, thrusting against him, sliding over the steely thickness inside of her.

Eric rose up on his arms, his body shaking, and his chest heaving. “Stop, Jen.”

“I can’t.” She panted her response and writhed, rotating her hips beneath him and drawing him deeper into the heat.

“It’s been too long. I won’t be able to hold back. Stop wiggling, dammit! Christ, I feel like some clumsy teenager.”

Jenna looped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down for a kiss. Their mouths melded together as his body tightened and broke into a series of palpitating shudders. He went heavy and still.

“I’m sorry…I just couldn’t hold back…I’ve never felt anything like…” He collapsed once again into silence.

She continued to tease the back of his neck, her fingers feathery touches against his skin. She giggled, her breath warm at his throat.

“Laughter is the absolute last response a man wants from a woman after lovemaking.”

“You call that lovemaking?” Her voice was a sultry taunt.

Sliding his arms beneath her, Eric rolled to his back and reversed their positions. He was still tightly coupled to her. “You be in charge then. Let’s see if you can do better.”

They made love again, their bodies a slow and leisurely press. Jenna rode Eric in long strokes, pulling almost completely away and slipping, warm and easy, onto him. She bent over, her breasts grazing his chest and her hair pouring down gossamer light. Eric whispered words of love and she returned the declarations, gasping his name as her pleasure built. There was no arm, no leg, fingertip, or strand of hair uninvolved in their passion play. Desire bound them tightly together, pleasure, earth shattering and transcendent released them. They lay spent, wrapped in each other’s arms. In a while Eric’s breathing became steady and even with sleep.

Jenna studied his face, taking in his perfect features—his finely arched brows, and the dark lashes she knew accented eyes the color of an island pool. In slumber, he sprawled on his back, one arm carelessly thrown over his head and the other reaching for her.

You should have told him, the niggling voice of her conscience scolded. You should have told him before letting him make love to you. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, then curled into the warmth of his body, and joined him in sleep.


In the morning, Jenna left Eric lying comfortably in her bed and stepped into the shower. Not long after, he sauntered naked through the steam and joined her. Air caught in her lungs as he scrubbed at his face, water running down his neck and torso. The steady flow was interrupted before it reached his legs.

“Happy to see me?”

“That?” He looked south. “It’s the morning.” He winked and moved close enough for the object of her interest to press against her. “I didn’t actually wake up this way, but I heard the shower running and thought…naked and wet works for me.”

Eric turned her in his arms so that her back was to him. He poured a dollop of shampoo into his hands and ran it through her hair. Leaning back against him, she groaned as he slowly massaged her scalp. Heady scented foam slid down her neck and back. His hands moved from her hair to her nape, his fingertips teasing her soap-glazed skin. He rubbed her shoulders and breasts, spreading the silky bubbles lower and lower.

She moved to the showerhead, and a cascade of water pulsed against her. “Your turn,” she said as she picked up a bar of soap, pink and sweetly scented. She rubbed it across his chest.

“Mmm, won’t I smell pretty,” he murmured.

“Shut up.” She discarded the bar and reached down to stroke him. Her hand was warm and slick, and his low moan told her he was not going to be able to tolerate the erotic milking for long. He picked her up and drew her legs about his waist, spearing her in one hard lunge. Smooth tile was against Jenna’s back, Eric’s chest and thighs warm and hard against her. The water rained down upon them as he began to move, his hips grinding rhythmically. Her climax was immediate and intense, her cries of pleasure muffled by the sound of water splashing against the shower door.


Wrapped in a terry cloth robe, Jenna sat on the edge of her bed watching Eric dress. It brought back memories, pleasant ones. Damp hair fell into his eyes as he bent over to tug on his jeans. He walked barefoot toward the bed to retrieve his shirt and give her a kiss. After shrugging into the garment, he took her hand and urged her from her seat.

“Do you want to go grab some breakfast somewhere?”

Half joking, Jenna pointed to herself and then at him. “Former popstar and currently famous actor? A dark bar is one thing but a bright café…?”

“Ina’s then?”

She shook her head. “I can’t. Janie will be home soon.”

He nodded his understanding. “Babes, it’s a little late for me to be asking this but…are you on any kind of birth control?”

Wincing, she admitted she wasn’t. It was embarrassing that at twenty-nine, she had been so caught up in the moment she’d given no thought or regard for responsibility.”
