Page 54 of Her Leading Man

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Grabbing Eric’s lapels, Ash pushed him into the damask covered wall. Eric’s shoulder blades met the plaster with a thump, and a chorus of gasps sounded from the patrons lingering by the lounge’s entrance. Fighting off a surge of pain, Eric pushed back. More thumping and the muffled sounds of angry voices caused the women in the ladies’ room to rush out, Jenna included. Guests hovered nearby, adopting disinterest, but still watching a scene of two men tethered to each other on the verge of fighting.

She blinked when she saw Eric, and her mouth dropped open. “What the hell is going on? Where have you been? And what happened to your face?”

With the heels of his hands, Eric shoved Ash away. “Maybe you’d like to tell her, Baldwin.”

“What the hell is going on?” Jenna repeated.

Spreading his arms, Ash spoke around an unconcerned grin. “Your friend got into some trouble in town and was arrested.”

“You were in jail?” Her eyes were glittering, her head turning from one man to the other. A buzz of voices rode the air as a hesitant and curious parade of guests stepped past.

Ash’s smile stretched wider. “Jail is where he belongs. Our good chief of police caught him in a near riot with two local boys. He’d been driving with no identification. Yourfriendis not only a public nuisance but a vagrant.”

Jenna turned toward Eric and caressed the bruises along his cheekbone. It was comfort he’d welcomed from her before—a long ago night, after his father had beaten him, and years later, while he’d been in a hospital bed fighting for his life. Her hands slipped lower to cup his jaw. “Are you all right?”

He smiled, and Jenna slowly turned to face Ash. “A public nuisance? A vagrant? No, he isn’t either of those things. He’s Eric Laine, and he’s afuckingmovie star.”

Laughing, Eric pulled her close. “Looks like you’ve been drinking wine.”

Ash Baldwin’s mouth yawned open for all of ten seconds before he regained his composure and his eyes settled back into his usual “I’m king of the castle” glower. “So my idiot sister-in-law was right all along?” He pierced Jenna with a glare so heated Eric pulled her behind his back.

“Right about you too, Miss Black. You’re just some slag looking for a little side money from a rich man.”

Jenna tugged Eric’s hand before he had a chance to defend her. “Don’t bother. He’s not worth it.”

A cluster of people were still idling in the hallway. Eric took one step forward, speaking low but close enough for his breath to drift into Baldwin’s ear. “I’m used to being stared at, but if you don’t want your neighbors to hear what I have to say, you might want to come outside where we can talk in private.”

Though Ash was still glaring, he followed, striding with his head high and tugging at the cuffs of his shirt like a dapper James Bond. Outside, Eric settled comfortably against the limousine and slipped his hands into his pockets. Ash matched the relaxed stance, folding his arms across his chest, his sight a gleaming halt at Eric’s bruises. “Why the pretense, the handyman bullshit?”

“I don’t have to answer to you, Baldwin. You, on the other hand, have a lot to answer for.”

Ash took a lazy breath, and a narrow-eyed smile stamped his face. “Is that so? I had nothing to do with you getting your ass handed to you or arrested. Good luck trying to prove otherwise. You may be a celebrity, but around here…you’re nobody.”

Staring at the ground, Eric laughed. The sound came out dark and without humor. He slowly raised his head. “I’m the nobody who’s going to prevent you from stealing Ina Cummings’ property.”

“Don’t count on it. That dust bowl of hers is going to be mine, and that old nuisance is going to finish out her days in a state home.”

As Eric started after Ash, Jenna tugged at his sleeve. Then in his customary fashion, Nick materialized, and stepped between the two men.

“Ha!” Ash declared. “Tough talk coming from a man who needs a bodyguard.”

“You have it backwards, Baldwin. He isn’t here to protect me from you, he’s here to protectyoufromme.” Eric shrugged. “As much as I’d like to repay the beating, I think I’ll hit you where it will hurt the most…your country club.”

Luxury cars pulled into the circular drive, and valets in red jackets stepped out and held the doors. Couples in black tie apparel slowly trekked from the columned entryway and disappeared into expensive sedans.

“There’s nothing you can do about my project,” Ash said. “People are already lining up to buy the condos. Baldwin Ridge was designed by a top course architect, and I’ve got PGA pros, tech giants, and celebrities backing it. In fact…” He paused and smiled as if a drumroll played to introduce a proud declaration. “One of my partners is a Hollywood legend, a bigger name than yours will ever be…Jack Morrissey.”

After crowing his victory, Ash smiled but his head jerked in Nick’s direction. A resonance of laughter boomed into the clear night air. He snapped his head back toward Eric. “What the hell is your bodyguard laughing at?”


Eric and Jenna left Ash Baldwin standing in front of the Lakehouse Manor alone, figuratively scratching his head. They boarded the limo. “Why didn’t you tell him you know Jack?” she asked.

“He’ll find out soon enough.”

“Will he help you? Can he get him to leave Mrs. Cummings alone?”

Eric stretched his arm as much as comfort allowed and brought it around Jenna’s shoulder. “Babes, through the years, Jack and I have become very good friends. After I tell him what a scumbag Baldwin is, he’ll be out.”

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