Page 69 of Her Leading Man

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“No, not at all.”

“Yeah, well I have something else to tell you that you might not find amusing.”

Jenna groaned. “What now?”

Eric grinned. “I’m gay.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Laughter boomed in Eric’s ears—a loud guffaw coming through the telephone and a howl from Nick who sat next to him at Ina’s kitchen table. Eric cursed into the phone, turned, and repeated the anatomically impossible suggestion to his sniggering friend. Ina studied the newspaper and alternated her glance between Eric and the tabloid.

He narrowed his eyes. “Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you’re actually reading the article.”

“Well…no. I was just ah…looking for…um…”

“What? Stock quotes inThe Inquisitor.”

Ina joined Nick in a rupture of laughter.

“Okay, kiddies, get it out of your system…You too!” he spat into the phone.

“Sorry, kid.” Jack Morrissey snickered on the other end of the line. “I had no idea. But if there was ever a broad on the planet who could make a man switch teams, it would be Bree.”

Eric gnashed his teeth. “I’m not laughing, you old fart. She fed this story to the tabloids as a smokescreen. She doesn’t want their leads to be anything about me and Jenna.”

“Well, don’t worry, kid. Nobody believes this shit. Although the guy in the picture with you is, what do the girls all say, a hottie?”

“Go to hell, Morrissey. I called to discuss something important. Can you put me back in the closet for the time being?”

“Okay, okay.”

Nick and Ina discarded the newspaper and sat at attention as Eric explained to Jack what Ash Baldwin had done.

“The son of a bitch tried to kill you!” A bellow came through the phone loud enough for Nick, Eric, and Ina to all jerk in their seats.

“I’m more concerned with what he tried to do to my friend. He strong-armed the town building inspector into condemning her house so he could steal her land.”

“Listen, kid. I’m only in on this deal because Meghan’s husband is the great grandson of the guy who designed Pebble Beach. The family is golf course royalty and they aren’t going to let that image be tarnished by a guy who tried to steal land from a little old lady.”

Jack promised the status of Ash Baldwin as a partner in the country club consortium would be amended.


The wheels of justice turned at a slow and steady pace. Jake and Harley Simpson were caught in Daytona after trying to use one of Eric credit cards. Both brothers admitted to being hired by Ash Baldwin to attack Eric. Legal troubles, both criminal and civil, would keep Baldwin busy for an indeterminate length of time and deplete a good portion of his wealth. Eric opted not to sue so Baldwin would have enough money left to compensate Ina for her emotional pain and suffering. Ina Cummings would never have to worry about losing her home again.

Janie Black was spared the pain of having to testify against Mark Chambers. On the advice of his court appointed attorney, he took a plea bargain of twenty-five-years in prison. Wearing a bright orange jump suit and manacles, he was led to the county sheriff’s van.

Chains connecting his ankles and wrists jingled a nervous melody as he sat shaking from the effects of drug and alcohol withdrawal. Thin and faint-hearted, he had never in his life been able to defend himself—not in a school yard as a boy, and not in a bar-fight as a grown man. He would certainly not be able to defend himself from the advances of barbaric, prison inmates. During the short drive back to the county lockup to await his transfer to prison, he cried like a baby.


Ina handed Eric his work boots. “These are practically brand new. Are you sure you don’t want to take them with you?”

“Keep them here. I’ll need them when I come back. I’ll have to check the house to make sure the contractors did everything right.”

“Well at least let me pack you some sandwiches for your flight.”

Eric was about to explain that outside food wouldn’t make it past TSA, but instead accepted her offer. The braised beef tenderloins served in first-class didn’t hold the appeal of one of her club sandwiches. “Sure, that would be great.” He’d eat her BLT in the limo.
