Page 8 of Her Leading Man

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“Excuse me?”

Years of straining to hear other people’s conversations had apparently given Cheryl hearing like a safecracker with a stethoscope. Jenna smiled innocently to cover for the remark. “The coffee…I can’t function until I’ve had some caffeine either.”

“Hmm.” Cheryl brought the cup to her lips and started to walk away then abruptly turned. “Before I forget, your lease is almost up, and I’ve made some amendments to the new one. We’ll have to sit down and—”

“I’ve already signed my new lease. Ash has it.”

“What?” Cheryl scuttled over, her thin heeled stilettos making herthinlegs bend in awkward angles. “Ash isn’t in charge of drawing up the leases on this block.” She screwed her face into one of childish petulance. “Wow, you didn’t waste any time cashing in on your relationship with him, did you?”

Jenna shot her an icy look. “I don’t like what you’re implying.”

After blowing at her coffee, Cheryl took a sip. “Implying? No, sweetie, I’m stating a fact. My brother-in-law is the wealthiest man in Cromline. You aren’t the first woman in town to try and get something from him.”

Widening her eyes, Jenna smiled, honeyed and innocent. “That’s true. From what I’ve heard…that would be you.”

A sound like the squawk of a startled chicken tore from Cheryl’s throat, and her body went poker stiff. She tottered from one foot to another. “Who…who told you that? Ash is my brother-in-law…I never…”

Jenna dipped her head. It was uncharacteristic of her to gossip, and she instantly regretted her words. In a tone barely removed from the warm lilt of a cartoon princess, she apologized. “I’m sorry. That was just some nonsense I heard. I’m sure no one believes it.” She plucked her keys from her bag to open the shop. “Let’s make a deal. I won’t repeat any rumors if you don’t start any. Don’t spread stories about me and Ash that aren’t true.”

“Are you going to see him again?”

“Cheryl!” Jenna waggled the key in the stubborn lock. “I don’t know. But if it will make you feel any better, I’ll bring anything related to my store to you.” She worked the key more forcefully until the tumblers disengaged. “You can start by fixing this lock.” She opened the door with Cheryl still at her heels.

A man who appeared to come from nowhere, ambled close. He turned to Jenna, his lingering gaze as intimate as a caress. “Hello, Babes.”

Jenna’s knees buckled, and her legs almost collapsed beneath her. Again, what sounded like the cawing of a bird spat from Cheryl’s mouth. She whipped her head around, her brittle blonde hair a blur. “You’re. You’re. Oh my God! He’s…he’s…”

Eric smiled and gave Cheryl a gentle shove. He removed the key dangling in the lock, grabbed Jenna’s elbow and pulled her inside, locking the door behind them.

A jumble of questions bounced around in Jenna’s head, but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. Her heart throbbed wildly in her chest. Seeing Eric was like a visitation from a specter, something so unexpected it drained the blood from her head. Myriad emotions coursed through both her mind and body—shock, panic, sadness, and something too similar to passion to remain in her consciousness. The room tilted, and the brightly colored merchandise in her store started to turn gray. Strong arms caught her before she hit the floor.

“Jesus Christ! Jen, are you okay?”

She pulled herself away from his grasp and slapped at his chest. “Put your hands down. I’m not one of your fans about to faint at the sight of you.”

“You could have fooled me.” He dropped his chin to his chest. “I’m sorry I surprised you like that.”

“Surprised? Shocked is more like it. What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?”

“I was driving through town looking for your store when I spotted you.”

He was still hovering too close, and Jenna fought a primal impulse to give him a shove. “I don’t mean here on this block. I mean here, here in this town. How did you know about my store? Why…Why are you here?”

“We need to talk,” he said as simply as if he were asking for directions to the library.

“Talk?” She rubbed her eyes to wipe away the swell of emotion that refused to loosen its grasp. “After all these years?”

He slid his hands into his pockets and stood staring. Jenna tried to look away but couldn’t. She was like a planet caught in the orbit of the sun.

He was older, but the years had only improved his looks. His stance was casual and familiar, familiar yet different. It was as though a transparency of this Eric had settled over the one she knew so long ago and refined him. The same sandy hair that used to fall stubbornly across his brow was expertly trimmed. The hollow cheeks of a boy had filled out, replaced by angled, masculine planes. A smattering of fine lines crinkled at the corners of his brilliant, turquoise eyes, and a faded scar slashed faintly from one cheekbone to his temple.The accident. Jenna suddenly remembered the near-death fall that almost claimed his life. Memories, good and bad, began their battle with each other, and tears stung her eyes.

“Please go. I…I wasn’t prepared for this.”

“We need to talk. I have some things to—”

“No, I can’t, not now.”

Cheryl Baldwin was still outside tapping on the window with the palm of her hand, her rings clacking against the glass.
