Page 39 of Scorched Rose

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“I’m going to slide into you again, okay? I’ll be gentle, I promise.”

Slowly, he fed his length back into me. His come made it slide in more easily the second time. When he was fully embedded, he slid a hand beneath my stomach and pushed it down to my clit, then he fingered it tenderly.

“Beautiful,” he muttered, laying just enough of his weight on my back for me to feel dominated but not threatened. He moved inside me more easily this time, his lips tickling the nape of my neck. My eyelids fluttered closed at the feel of his thick fingers massaging my nub. I loved feeling his tongue and lips at my core, but feeling his firm fingers massaging me along with his thick cock stroking my sore insides, blew that sensation out of the water.

“Are you okay?” he asked, for what felt like the millionth time.

This time I could only nod, because the heat radiating out from my core rendered me speechless.

“I can hold out for longer now.” His voice was even deeper, scraping at the foot of his lungs. “So, tell me if it’s too much.”

I nodded again, my mouth buried into the sheets. “Mm-hm.”

“So slick,” he mused. “Like a damn rose petal.” His breath thickened. “Fuck.”

I somehow managed to move my head enough to free my mouth. “So good, Dax.”

He throbbed above and inside me. “So good, baby.”

Long, slow lengths massaged my newly broken walls while his talented fingers worked miracles over my clit. My entire body fizzed and coiled.

His brows nestled into my neck and his hot breath skittered across my back. “Jeez, I’m close again. What have you done to me?”

I squirmed beneath him, needing a release, needing something. Tension gripped my insides so tightly I couldn’t tell where the desire was coming from or how that layered thirst could be quenched. He was massaging the outside of me and the inside of me; I was going to burst from at least one of those things.

“Oh my God.Oh my God.” The proclamations began as whispers but they seemed to spur him on. His cock pushed deeper and his fingers worked harder. “Oh my God. Oh my God. OhGod.”

“Shit Rose, you’re gonna make me come.” His breath hit the shell of my ear in ragged pants.

“Dax—” I gripped the bedsheets and buried my mouth in them, my eyes squeezed shut.What the hell?

He thrust hard and flicked my clit with a roar. I had an animal on top of me, inside me, releasing me. My whole body froze, then shook, tightened then released. Pleasure rippled from my centre to my skin and I screamed into the sheets as Dax unanchored a long stream of curses.

His thrusts continued even after he’d burst inside me. He fucked me slowly back to earth, wrapping his arms around me and whispering sweet words in my ear. “Just beautiful. The perfect rose. The sweetest smell. The softest bloom…”

And I was in heaven.


I wokeup from the deepest, most blissful sleep I’d had in a long time, with an actual smile on my face. I was probably not the first girl to think this after her first time, but I genuinely believed it. I was in love.

It didn’t matter that he’d locked me up in a tower until he could make me his. In some dark, fucked up way, I understood. We were both scarred. We both knew what it was to feel less than, and petrified at the thought of not getting the one we want. How much more perfect could this be? I wanted him. He wanted me. I went into this arrangement for the money, not for a second expecting to find love. But love was worth so much more than money; I would take the jewel of a heart over a wad of cash any day.

I opened my eyes and took in the beams of light streaming through the ripped curtains. Memories of the shattered chandelier and the broken pieces of ancient furniture came backto me in fractured forms. It had passed in a blur when I stormed into his rooms because I had only one thing on my mind, and that was to give him a piece of it.

The envelope the maid had given to me held a single piece of paper. A cheque for one hundred thousand pounds. He’d planned on paying me for something I hadn’t given him and sending me on my way. It had stoked every single one of my insecurities. Had I been such a disappointment? Was I not what he’d hoped for? The way he’d stared at – and smelled – my nakedness only hours earlier had convinced me of his attraction, so how could he just dump the money on me and run? And more to the point, how dare he?

He might not have thought it, but Dax had wooed me. From the second he invited me to dinner. I was blisteringly angry when I stormed up the stairs the previous evening. I’d failed to see how broken he was and how broken his rooms were. I was too blinded by the humiliation of rejection and the unfairness of being locked up and released on a damn whim.

I slowly turned my head, expecting to see the unscarred left side of his face that he’d laid me next to, but I saw nothing but a ruffled sheet. I ran my hand over the indentation left by his body. It was cold. He must have left a while ago. My eyes ran from the contoured dip to the pillow where they landed on an envelope. I reached across and opened it, my heartrate picking up boisterously.

Dear Rose,

I don’t know where to begin so I’m just going to start with where my heart is. My heart is with you, Rose. You captured it the second it saw you and it’s held out for you ever since. But things havechanged. I’m not a good person and you’ve seen the worst of me. I cannot and will not inflict that on you again.

You gave me a precious gift last night. More precious than an organ, than a heartbeat. It was life. You showed me what true trust is and I will not abuse yours any longer.

You are going to go so far, Rose. Your passion for architecture, for design, for miraculous potential, is beyond measure. I’m privileged to have known you. Like a small bird I kept you locked up against your will. You had wings all along, I just clipped them, like I do with everything. You’re free now Rose.
