Page 14 of A Dark Melody

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“Just getting my phone.” I yell back and walk back to sit on the couch across from the kitchen table, where I can see the TV.

“You can come on my bus at the next stop.” I text Wes.

“You got permission?”

“Yes.” I say. If only he knew what hoops I had to jump through to get permission. Though he probably wouldn’t understand. He’d probably think it was insane that I had to force myself to eat just so he could come on my bus.

Because it is crazy. I am crazy.

“I’ll see you then.”

I spend the next few hours on the bus, distracting myself from the full feeling in my stomach by looking up information on Wes. I read articles about his ex, Haley Adams, and him. He seemed to really have loved her. I feel bad that she ended up cheating on him with his best friend. I have to wonder who friend that was since there are no articles about their break up or cheating. I only assume she is the one who cheated based on the time frame. She was his last real girlfriend.

He had also dated another girl I knew. Allie Maddison, who I only knew about because one of my exes had cheated on me with her. That wasn’t that long ago, so I assumed it wasn’t when they were together, but I may have to ask him to be sure.

There was mention of him with a few other girls but not as many guys as I’ve been mentioned with. They didn’t care about a guy sleeping with a lot of girls. They didn’t even really pay attention to it probably. Guys weren’t sluts or whores. Theywould cheat, and it was no big deal just something they did. I have to wonder if he cheated on anyone. I was curious to see if he was as good as a guy as I feel he is or as good of a guy I hope he is.

I’m almost thankful Sue is going to have him sign an NDA. I mean, she has most people I come in contact with sign one, so I’m not surprised, but this way, I was covered if anything went wrong, if he turned out to be a jerk like most of the guys I met.

I listen to his music as I do my research on him. He really does have a great voice. It was gritty and gravelly but still so beautiful. His lyrics are amazing, as well. He has a way with words that make me feel a wide range of emotions. One of them was a song about love, and I felt this longing for that kind of connection with someone. The next song was about being angry, and I could feel the rage build up inside me. Then, a sad song came on, and I felt it deep in my soul. He is really talented.

I read a few interviews he did about music, and he seems really passionate about it, too, something we have in common. It would suck if he was just one of the band guys who was simply in a band to be cool, but no, he seemed to genuinely care about the music he was making. It is great to see. It gives me hope that we really could be good friends.

When I’m done doing my research, I decide I should probably get myself presentable.

“Can I go get changed?” I ask Sue, who has been typing away at her computer doing whatever it is she does. I mean, I have to assume she has other people she manages, but I don’t bother to ask. I doubt she would tell me anyway.

“Okay.” She says, looking up. “Let’s go.”

I resist rolling my eyes. I couldn’t be alone for even five minutes.

She sits on the bunk as I look through my clothes. I strip down naked, only feeling slightly embarrassed as I feel her studying my body.

“Turn around.” She says, and I turn to face her. She inspects my front before giving me the nod to continue.

I pull on a clean pair of panties and a bra before sliding on black skinny jeans with a white tank top. I brush my hair out and put it into a messy bun. I skip doing makeup. I wasn’t trying to look sexy for him, just put together enough for me to seem like a good enough person to be his friend.

“Done.” I say after applying some Chapstick.

She led the way back towards the front of the bus, and I followed, knowing I really didn’t have much of a choice.

I curl back up on the couch and turn on the TV. She takes her seat back at the table in front of her computer.

“Sue?” I ask after a few minutes.

“Yes?” She looks over at me.

“Are you going to sit there the whole time Wes is on the bus?”

“I might.” She says, looking back at her computer. “Rules, Abbey.”

“I know.” I say softly. But, fuck rules. Fuck this whole babysitting situation. I am so over it.

The bus comes to a stop, and my phone buzzes.

“We still on?” Wes texts me.

“Yes!” I reply.
