Page 29 of Whole Latte Love

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Theo walks in, snow covering his tousled hair.

“You’re home!” I squeal. He pulls me into a hug. He’s warm despite all the wet snow on him.

“It was a long trip, I’m glad to be home.” He takes his coat and boots off then kisses me. He pulls me in snug against his chest, his hand on my lower back.

“I missed you,” I murmur, holding him close.

“I missed you too.” He kisses the top of my head. “But I have good news.”

“Your book is sold out?”

He shakes his head.

“You’re cooking dinner tonight?” I flash a toothy grin at him as his laughter fills the room.

I really missed him.

“The book sales are doing well. So well in fact it’s been labeled a best-seller.”

“That’s fantastic!” I kiss him on the cheek. “Do you want some hot chocolate?” I head to the kitchen while he continues to shed some layers and follows me.

“There’s other news too.” He pulls at the hem of his sweater, fidgeting with his hands.

“Do you have to leave again?” I pour us some cocoa and hand him a mug.

“The team wants me out in California to go over the final scripts. They start shooting a few weeks after the new year.”

We sit on the couch together. The fireplace roaring and cozy.

“Are you going to miss Christmas?”

“No, I can leave after, but,” he takes my hand in his and squeezes it, “I want you to go with me.” He takes out a small box from his pocket.

“Theo…” I can’t stop my eyes from widening and a small gasp escapes me.

He opens the box to reveal a silver car key. I tilt my head, curious about where this is going.

“I bought the car I drove here today. It’s practical enough to take a long car trip across the country. Your car would never make it past the state line.”

I chuckle at his honesty.

He continues, “We can stop and sightsee along the way. But I can’t imagine spending even more time away from you, Marie.”

This is probably the silliest but sweetest thing that’s happened to me. Theo is willing to make his probably five-hour plane trip into a week-long car ride just so that I can come too.

I really love this man.

“I love you Theo.” I take the box with the car key. “I’ll go on a road trip with you.”

“Say it again.” His eyes sparkle as he speaks. His infectious smile making me grin too.

It’s the first time I’ve said those words out loud. I don’t regret them. Theo is my future and he’s worked hard to make sure I know that I’m a part of his too. He shares his location with me so I’m not as anxious when he’s flying. Plus, he calls me before and after every flight.

“The part about me going on a road trip with you?” I can’t help but tease him. “Or that I love you?”

He puts a hand over his heart. “Can you say it again?”

“I love you, Theo!”

“I love you too Marie.” He pulls me in for a kiss.

My heart feels full, like every puzzle piece fit perfectly, showing me the full picture. The future may be unknown, but I’m no longer alone.

I have Theo to go through it with me, together.

And we’ve got a whole latte love.
