Page 12 of Bossed Around

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Alexander’s tongue expertly explored me, finding all the places that made my body sing. I struggled to contain my gasps and moans, covering my mouth with my hand so as not to alert the office just beyond the door. The fact that we could be caught at any moment only served to heighten the experience, making every nerve ending in my body buzz with anticipation.

“God, Alexander,” I breathed into my palm, feeling my control slipping away as he continued his sweet torment. “You drive me insane.”

He didn’t respond verbally, but sensed his smirk against my skin as he pressed two fingers to my entrance. My eyes widened at the sudden sensation, and I bit down on my hand to keep from crying out. The combination of his fingers inside me and his tongue working its magic was almost too much for me to bear.

I glanced down at him, our eyes locking in a heated exchange. He watched me intently as he slipped his fingers deeper, curling them just right to hit that perfect spot within me. I had to close my eyes, the pleasure threatening to overwhelm me completely.

“Olivia,” he whispered against my sensitive flesh, his voice thick with desire. “Let go. I’ve got you.”

His words were the tipping point, and I surrendered to the wave of ecstasy crashing through me. My hips bucked uncontrollably as the sensations rippled through me, leaving me breathless and shaken. Alexander worked me through it, his fingers and tongue relentless until the last tremor subsided.

Finally, he pulled his fingers out of me, leaning back in his chair to regard me. His dark eyes smoldered with satisfaction as he raised his fingers to his lips, licking them clean. The sight was undeniably erotic, stirring the embers of desire deep within me once more.

“Get back to work, Olivia,” Alexander commanded, his voice cold and distant. The sudden change in his demeanor caught me off guard, as I slid off the edge of his desk.

“Y-yes, Alexander,” I stuttered, feeling a mix of humiliation and confusion. My legs were shaky as I adjusted my skirt, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

“Close the door behind you,” he added, not even bothering to look up at me as he got back to his paperwork.

I nodded, although he couldn’t see it, and hastily made my way out of his office. As soon as the door clicked shut behind me, I leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath and process what had just happened. Was this all just a game to him? A power play to keep me on my toes?

My thoughts raced as I returned to my desk, unable to focus on the work piled in front of me. The memory of Alexander’s touch lingered on my skin, making me shiver despite the warmth of the office.

“Everything okay, Olivia?” Sarah asked with a concerned expression. I could tell she noticed the flush on my cheeks and the unsteady way I held myself.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” I lied, forcing a smile. “Just had a bit of a disagreement with Alexander.”

“Ah, I see,” she said sympathetically, though I knew she had no idea what truly transpired between us. She was probably just thinking there was going to be some HR nightmare with our short-tempered boss. If only she knew… “Well, if you need anything, just let me know.”

“Thank you,” I replied gratefully, watching her walk away before sinking into my chair. I tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but my mind kept wandering back to the way Alexander looked at me, the hunger in his eyes as he devoured me with his gaze, his touch, his tongue.

Despite the confusing aftermath, I couldn’t deny the magnetic pull I felt towards him. The attraction was undeniable, a force so powerful that I knew I’d come running to him again in a heartbeat if he called for me.

But why was he ignoring me now? What had I gotten myself into?

Throughout the day, Alexander didn’t spare me a single glance. It was as if our intimate encounter never happened, and yet every time I shifted in my seat or caught a glimpse of him across the room, my body betrayed me, reminding me of how he made me feel.

As the hours ticked by, I found myself torn between anger and longing, unsure of how to navigate this situation. I wasn’t sure what kind of power play he was pulling, but the longer I stewed over it, the more I decided I was done with it.

I gritted my teeth as I watched him walk around the office, talking to the other employees and pointedly acting as if I didn’t exist. Did he just think I was some toy to play with? Would he just throw me away and buy a new one when he decided he was done?

I stayed after everyone else was gone. I couldn’t help myself. I just kept staring at Alexander’s door, and I knew he hadn’t left yet.

My rage had doubled at this point. I refused to be just a little plaything for someone, and before I could think better of it, I was on my feet.

The dimly lit hallway felt oppressive as I approached Alexander’s office. It was late; the only sounds were the distant hum of air conditioning and my own shallow breaths. My hand trembled slightly as I raised it to knock on his door.

“Come in,” Alexander called out, his voice bored and distracted. A surge of anger washed over me at his indifference.

I pushed the door open, stepping into his office where he sat behind his mahogany desk, engrossed in paperwork. He didn’t even bother to look up at me, and that infuriated me more.

“Alexander, we need to talk,” I demanded, my voice wavering despite my efforts to sound strong.

He finally looked up from his work, his piercing eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that reminded me of today’s lunch. “What about?” he asked, his tone low.

“Us. This… relationship we’ve been having,” I said, forcing myself to hold his gaze. “It needs to stop. I don’t want to be just some toy for you to play with.” My hands clenched into fists at my sides. “It’s unprofessional, and I don’t want it to affect my job.”

Alexander’s eyes narrowed, and I could see the gears turning in his head. But for now, I stood my ground, determined to end things before they spiraled out of control.

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