Page 14 of Bossed Around

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“Of course,” I said, swallowing hard. Excitement and nerves churned within me, threatening to overwhelm my professionalism. “I’ll book accommodation and compile all the necessary documents.”

“Perfect,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary. The heat in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine, making me acutely aware of the growing tension between us. “And we’ll be gone for two weeks.” With a curt nod, he retreated back into his office, leaving me to wrestle with the implications of this trip.

I threw myself into the preparations. I carefully researched the best hotels, ensuring that our accommodation was both luxurious and discreet. The thought of us sharing close quarters sent a thrill through me, my fingers trembling as I typed in the reservation details.

“Olivia,” Alexander called from his office, drawing me back to reality. “Could you come in here for a moment?”

“Coming,” I replied, taking a deep breath before entering his domain. As I crossed the threshold, I noticed the way his gaze flickered over my body, lingering on the curve of my hips beneath the fabric.

“Is everything set for the trip?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers.

“Almost,” I answered, fighting the blush that threatened to creep across my cheeks. “I just need to finalize our flights and print out the itinerary.”

“Good,” he said, his voice low and commanding. “And you called the crew for the plane?”

I nodded. “I did.” The crew for hisprivateplane. I was a little excited.

He nodded. “I won’t keep you then.”

“Right. Let me know if you need anything else,” I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil roiling within me. With a quick nod, I left his office and returned to my desk, my mind racing with equal parts anticipation and trepidation as I prepared for the journey ahead.

The rhythmic clicking of the computer mouse resonated in my ears as I finalized our travel arrangements, the anticipation pooling in the pit of my stomach. Alexander’s presence lingered like a phantom touch on my skin, igniting an insatiable craving that threatened to consume me. It was maddening—this inexplicable pull he had over me.

“Olivia, did you have a moment?” His voice startled me from my reverie, the familiar deep timbre sending delicious shivers down my spine.

“Of course,” I replied, rising from my chair and smoothing down my blouse, acutely aware of the way the fabric brushed against my sensitive nipples, betraying my arousal.

As I stepped into his office again his predatory gaze roamed over me, leaving a trail of scorching heat in its wake. The intensity of his stare caused my breath to hitch, and I struggled to maintain my composure.

“Let’s go over our objectives for the trip one last time,” Alexander said, his tone authoritative as he gestured toward the glossy black conference table.

“Alright,” I answered with feigned nonchalance, settling into the plush leather chair across from him, my fingers unconsciously tracing the cool, smooth surface of the table.

“First and foremost, we need to secure their commitment to our partnership,” he began, his eyes locked on mine. “It is crucial that we present a united front and demonstrate the strength of our collaboration.”

I nodded, swallowing thickly as the implication of his words tugged at the edges of my consciousness. How would I be able to maintain the facade of professionalism when all I wanted was to taste his lips and feel his hands on my body?

“Secondly,” Alexander continued, the intensity of his gaze never wavering, “we need to gather insight into their operations and identify potential areas for improvement. This will help us better understand how to support them moving forward.”

“Understood,” I murmured, my voice barely audible as my heart raced in my chest, the proximity between us both exhilarating and torturous.

“Lastly,” he said, leaning in slightly, his cologne enveloping me in a heady cloud of desire, “we need to establish clear expectations for our roles during this trip. We can’t afford any distractions or misunderstandings.”

“Agreed,” I breathed, desperately fighting the urge to close the distance between us and press my lips to his, consequences be damned.

“Good,” Alexander replied, his voice low and controlled, betraying none of the raw passion I knew simmered just beneath the surface. “We leave tomorrow. Get some rest tonight, Olivia. We have a long day ahead of us.”

“Of course,” I whispered, standing on shaky legs and making my way to the door, feeling the weight of his gaze on me every step of the way. As I exited his office, I couldn’t help but wonder how I would survive the trip with my sanity—and professionalism—intact.


As I got ready to leave for the day, the memories of our conversation earlier replayed in my mind. Alexander’s strong jawline, his piercing gaze, and the way his lips formed words that were both business-like and tantalizingly suggestive.

“Olivia, I emailed you the updated itinerary,” Alexander called from his office.

“Got it,” I replied, glancing at my phone to see the new schedule.

“By the way,” he said, entering the room with a casual swagger that made my heart race, “I noticed you are quite good at organizing everything. I appreciate it.”

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