Page 8 of Bossed Around

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The laughter that followed eased some of the anxiety in the room, and I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of a sentient coffee machine. As everyone settled down, the door swung open, and Alexander strode in.

He exuded an air of confidence, and his presence transformed the room instantly. My palms grew clammy as I watched him take his seat at the end of the boardroom table. His gaze was penetrating, as though he could see straight through anyone who dared make eye contact with him.

“Alright, let’s get started,” he announced, his voice commanding the attention of every person present. The authority in his tone sent shivers down my spine, reminding me of the power he held over all of us.

Ethan leaned toward me, whispering, “I think he practiced that entrance in front of a mirror this morning.”

Suppressing a giggle, I nodded in agreement. Though there was something undeniably attractive about Alexander, I couldn’t deny that his self-assured demeanor bordered on arrogance at times.

“First up, we have the marketing team presenting their latest campaign strategy,” Alexander said, gesturing for them to begin. As they launched into their presentation, I couldn’t help but steal glances at him, noticing the way his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched when he was deep in thought.

My fingers drummed nervously on the polished wood of the conference table, the smooth surface contrasting starkly with my inner turbulence. I glanced at Alexander from the corner of my eye, and memories of our kiss flooded my mind—how his lips felt against mine, the way his body pressed against me with an electric intensity that threatened to consume us both. I shook my head, pushing these thoughts away. I couldn’t let him see how much he affected me. My career was on the line, and I refused to be toyed with.

“Next up, we have the financial department presenting their quarterly report,” Alexander announced, his voice commanding the attention of everyone in the room.

I sat up straighter, gathering every ounce of resolve as I waited for my turn to present. As each project head came forward with their updates, I rehearsed my notes in my mind, preparing myself for the crucial moment.

“Finally, we have Olivia presenting her report on our potential new clientele,” Alexander said, his tone flat and unreadable.

I tried to project an image of cool detachment as I stood, smoothing my skirt before walking to the front of the room. With every step, I felt the weight of Alexander’s gaze, dissecting and analyzing my every move. I cleared my throat, pulling up the charts and graphs I had meticulously prepared.

“During the past few weeks, I met with several potential clients who expressed interest in our services,” I began, my voice strong and steady despite my nervousness. “I believe that we can successfully acquire these new accounts and increase our revenue by twenty percent over the next quarter.”

“Interesting,” Alexander interjected, leaning forward and resting his chin on his clasped hands. “So, you’re saying that these clients are just waiting for us to swoop in and save the day? What makes you so confident?”

His question caught me off-guard, but I refused to let it show. “I did extensive research on their current providers, and I believe we can offer them more efficient and cost-effective solutions,” I replied, my tone firm.

“Really?” Alexander challenged, his eyes never leaving mine. “And what makes our product so superior to their current providers?”

My palms started to sweat, but I maintained my composure. “Our team consistently demonstrated innovation and adaptability in meeting the unique needs of each client. Furthermore, our track record speaks for itself in terms of customer satisfaction and retention.”

“Very well,” he conceded with a smirk, though his eyes remained cold and calculating. “But let’s not forget that acquiring new clients also means increased workload and resources. How do you propose we manage this influx without compromising our existing commitments?”

My anger flared at his interrogation, but I forced a smile. “We will allocate additional resources as needed and reevaluate our priorities to ensure that all projects receive the attention they deserve.”

“See to it that you do,” Alexander’s words were like ice, sending cold shivers down my spine. But beneath my anger, I felt a familiar heat begin to stir—a fire ignited by the friction between us, reminding me of the undeniable connection that bound us together in spite of everything.

I nodded and turned back to my presentation, going over the next person and what they could offer us before Alexander cut in again.

“Olivia, you mentioned that we would be offering these new clients a discounted rate for the first six months. How do you plan on making up for that loss in revenue?” Alexander’s voice was calm, but his gaze pierced me like a knife.

I gritted my teeth and forced a smile. “We will more than make up for the initial discount through increased volume of services and long-term contracts. I ran the numbers, and it’s a sound investment.”

“Really?” He raised an eyebrow. “And how exactly did you come to this conclusion? Show me your calculations.”

I tried to stay cool, but the heat rose in me, anger threatening to boil over. “I ran multiple projections based on various scenarios, and they all showed positive results,” I snapped back. “Are you questioning my competence?”

“No, Olivia,” he replied coolly, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of annoyance. “I’m questioning your assumptions. What if some of these clients don’t commit to long-term contracts? What then?”

“Alexander, every business venture has risks.” My voice trembled with barely-contained rage. “As professionals, we weigh those risks against potential rewards and make informed decisions.”

When Alexander looked at me, there was something dangerous in his gaze. Something that made my pulse race just as much as the fury burned in my chest.

“That may be the case,” Alexander ground out. “But I don’t see why this decision is necessary. They should start at our standard rates. A quality price is worth a quality product.”

“If your methods worked, then you wouldn’t have sent me,” I snapped, and then my eyes widened. Oh, fuck. That was a little far, especially in front of everyone else.

Chapter Six

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