Page 23 of Tangled Desires

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He opened his mouth to reply but hesitated, perhaps seeing in our eyes that this was more than just a fight for land—it was a fight for life as we knew it.

“We won’t stand by while you dismantle everything we’ve built,” I declared, my voice echoing off the walls. “We’ll fight you every step of the way.”


The community center’s makeshift meeting hall hummed with voices as chairs scraped against the floor. Neighbors, friends, and family gathered their things, but the air was thick with unspoken words, with the weight of what had just transpired.

“He’s just trying to gentrify our neighborhood,” I heard someone mutter as they passed by.

Cassius Portman, with his tailored suit and composure unshaken by the sea of disapproval, approached me as the crowd thinned. “Mila,” he began, his voice low, “this conversation is far from over.”

My pulse quickened. “You mean there’s more you want to take from us?”

His eyes locked onto mine. “I believe there’s a compromise to be found.”

“A compromise,” I echoed. The word felt foreign on my tongue.

“I propose we meet privately, discuss this like adults away from this… circus.” He gestured to the now-emptying room.

“And why would I do that?” My tone was defensive, my guard up.

“Because you care about this community,” he said firmly. “And so do I.”

I hesitated, caught in a web of emotions. His presence disarmed me in ways that it shouldn’t—ways that made me question what I was truly fighting for. My cause was clear but my feelings… they were muddled.

“Fine,” I relented with a nod. “I’ll meet you.”

His expression softened slightly. “Good.”

Chapter Fifteen


The bell above the door chimed as I stepped into Breadcetera, the scent of fresh bread and roasted coffee enveloping me like a warm hug. My gaze swept across the cozy interior, landing on a secluded corner booth where Cassius Portman sat, his profile etched against the window.

I hesitated for a moment, caught between the urge to turn and run and the fierce determination that had brought me here. Taking a deep breath, I approached the booth, my footsteps muffled by the soft hum of conversations around us.

“Mila,” he began as I slid into the seat opposite him. “I’ve been trying to find you since the ball.”

His voice was smooth, an undercurrent of something unreadable in its depths. He reached into his coat pocket and produced a single silk glove—my glove—the one I’d left behind in my hasty retreat. Laying it on the table between us, he let his fingers linger on the fabric for a moment longer than necessary.

“It seems you’ve left more than just an impression on me,” he said, his eyes locking onto mine.

A flutter of something danced in my chest—a mixture of surprise and a hint of that same reckless boldness from the night of the ball. But as quickly as it came, I pushed it down, locking it away.

“I’m not sure what you’re expecting to find,” I replied cautiously, my hands clasped tightly in my lap to hide their slight tremble. “Our worlds… they don’t exactly align.”

Cassius leaned back, his gaze never wavering from mine. There was an intensity there that seemed to pull at me, urging me to lean closer, to get lost in whatever this was between us.

“Worlds apart or not,” he said softly, “I can’t seem to shake you from my thoughts.”

I squared my shoulders, the silk of the forgotten glove on the table stirring memories I had tried to box away. “Cassius, let’s not dress this up to be more than it was. A momentary lapse. A fluke.” My voice was steady, even as my pulse thrummed in my ears.

He folded his hands, a shadow of a smile on his lips that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “A fluke that keeps replaying in my mind,” he countered.

The cafe around us faded into a blur as I focused on the man before me—so out of reach, yet close enough to touch. “I can’t deny there’s something… between us. But it’s like trying to hold smoke.” I paused, collecting my thoughts. “You live in a world of high stakes and higher buildings, and I… I’m here, fighting for the heart of my neighborhood.”

Cassius listened, his eyes never leaving mine. “And you think those worlds can’t coexist?”
