Page 62 of Tangled Desires

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The weight of the ring in my pocket felt like the gravity of a planet, its pull inescapable. I stood in my penthouse, overlooking the city, the blueprints of my meticulously planned surprise proposal spread out before me. Every detail had to be perfect, from the flowers that would line the entrance to the melody that would play when I got down on one knee. I’d left nothing to chance.

Hopefully, this time nothing will ruin my plans at the very last minute.

Stuart leaned over the table, his finger tracing the path Mila would take through the Wintertide Hotel’s grand ballroom. “And here,” he pointed, “is where you’ll ask her.”

The hotel, a constant reminder of where Mila’s journey began, was now to be the cornerstone of our new beginning. It felt poetic, and it was there, in its opulent embrace, I’d ask her to be mine forever.

“Make sure those invitations highlight the community,” I instructed Stuart. “I want everyone who’s supported us—supported her—to be there.”

“Got it, Cass.” Stuart scribbled notes onto his pad. “And what about her family?”

“Front row,” I replied firmly. “Chad and Rachel need to be there with us.”

As he left to carry out my wishes, I couldn’t help but smile at how Mila’s influence had reshaped my world. Community had become my new currency; its value immeasurable.

The invitations went out soon after, each one carefully crafted to not only summon our guests but also to honor Mila’s roots and the very people she cherished. This wasn’t just a proposal; it was a celebration of all we’d been through together.

Sitting at my desk later that evening, I sealed each envelope personally. The Wintertide Hotel ballroom awaited us—where one maid’s chance encounter would blossom into a love story for the ages.


The Wintertide Hotel gleamed like a jewel under the evening sky, its grandeur undiminished by time or the ever-changing cityscape that cradled it. As I stepped out of the limousine, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. This place had witnessed the pivotal moments of my life—some that nearly broke me, others that had built me. Tonight, it would witness another.

The gala was in full swing by the time we arrived, a seamless blend of opulence and heartfelt warmth. I guided Mila through the doors, her hand resting lightly on my arm. The ballroom burst into life before us, a tapestry woven from the laughter and chatter of those who’d come to celebrate.

Mila’s eyes sparkled brighter than the chandeliers above as we entered. “Cass, this is incredible,” she whispered, awe tinging her voice.

“Only the best for our guests,” I replied with a smile.

Around us, the worlds I knew—my world of boardrooms and business deals—mingled with Mila’s world of community spirit and unwavering support. Tuxedos and gowns brushed shoulders with modest attire; laughter and stories were shared across economic divides. The unity was tangible, almost defiant in its existence.

Josie approached us first, her smile beaming as she embraced Mila. “You look amazing! This is all so… wow.”

Melody followed close behind, her artist’s eye taking in every detail. “I’ve never seen anything like this outside of a movie,” she admitted.

Mila laughed gently. “Thanks to Cass,” she said, her gaze meeting mine with gratitude.

I introduced them to some of my business associates, watching as they struck up conversations about everything from local art to financial forecasts. The unity in that room wasn’t just present; it was thriving.

As we moved through the crowd, every step with Mila felt like a dance. Her presence commanded attention without demanding it—a natural grace that had nothing to do with wealth or status. She was a vision in emerald green tonight, her gown accentuating every curve as if it were made of the evening itself.

“You’re turning heads left and right,” I teased gently as we paused by a table adorned with delicate floral arrangements.

She blushed but met my eyes boldly. “Good thing I have you here to fend them off.”

The laughter we shared was a private melody amidst the orchestra of voices surrounding us. For a moment, we were alone in our bubble—the billionaire and the beacon of his newfound purpose.

The room thrummed with energy, the kind that vibrated right through your bones and settled into your soul. Josie, Melody, Chad, and Rachel were living it up, their laughter a melody that rose above the orchestra’s crescendo. I watched Chad pull off a surprisingly smooth moonwalk, egged on by Melody’s cheers. Rachel was in her element too, twirling in her dress as Josie captured the moment on her phone.

“Looks like they’re having the time of their lives,” Mila leaned in, her voice barely a whisper over the din.

I grinned at her, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. “Just as they should. It’s not every day we get to throw a gala like this.”

Mila’s eyes followed her siblings and friends, a soft smile playing on her lips. “They’ve never experienced anything like this before.”

“That was the idea,” I replied, taking in the sight of them—her family and mine for the evening.

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