Page 55 of Empire of Light

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“Impossible. How has she been in there this long?”

“How long were we in there?” Skye asked.

“You’ve been in there at least a half hour. Probably more.”

Shock on her face, Skye looked at me, silently asking me the same question. Apparently, it wasn’t usual to do well around the tree. That would explain why Damen’s body reacted as it did.

I looked to Helen. “I was—am—dizzy. That’s why we left,” I tossed out, hoping that would help the situation. Getting caught exiting this room was not going to go over well and I didn’t want to get Skye in trouble.

Helen’s pinched glare sliced through Skye. “After all I’ve done for you.” She wiped her bony hand in the air between us. “Never mind that—you two will join me in my apartments.” She turned and walked down the hallway.

Not a question, just pure demand.

Helen hadn’t changed at all since the years I last tangled with her.

Skye’s arm tightened around my side and she glanced over at me.

A glance that told me we were fucked.

I heaved a deep breath and we started down the hallway after Helen. Skye’s arm stayed firmly locked around my waist—the only thing keeping me steady.

Down the hallway and to the corridor on the left and Helen held the door to her apartment open, waiting for us to walk into her lair.

To Skye’s credit, she held her head high as we walked in, even though she knew the consequences for what she’d just done would be grave.

My fault.

I needed so badly to know who I was, what I was, that I put others in danger. Damen. Uncle Tri. Skye.

We stepped into the marble clad foyer of Helen’s apartment and I was instantly blinded by white. White marble. White walls, white furniture. A sea of white.

Especially jarring after being in the darkness with the colors of the tree pulsating in front of my eyes.

Helen clicked the door closed and turned to us.

I stepped forward, leaving the safety of Skye’s arm around me. “This was my fault. I asked to go in and learn my lineage. Skye was just doing?—”

“Stop.” Helen’s palm flew up to me. “I don’t want to talk about that one’s betrayal to our species at the moment.”

My eyebrows angled. “No?”

“No. I want to know what you two discovered on the tree.”

Skye stepped up next to me, her brown eyes shrewd on Helen. “You know, don’t you?”

At that moment, behind Helen, the door silently opened and Triaten’s head poked past the door.

Helen didn’t react, didn’t turn around, her stare glowering on Skye. “I do.”

“Know what?” I asked.

“I know about Persephone and Hades,” Helen snapped out.

Triaten’s eyes went wide and he stepped fully into the room. “What? Holy shit.”

Aiden moved in right behind him, his eyes frantic until he spotted Skye.

Helen whipped around, her fury crackling the air around us. “You come in here uninvited?”
