Page 95 of Empire of Light

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“Damen, tell me what he did again.”

Damen cleared his throat as I turned around, walked toward the malefic, and stopped in front of him.

“Inez was sleeping in her room, and this one was the first in. He didn’t wake her up, didn’t go for her throat. No. He set his men in place—four of them—one on each of her limbs to grab her at the same time. If they didn’t, she would have killed each and every one of them, she was that good. No, they slithered around her room like rabid rats, waiting to strike in unison. And when he finally nudged her awake, he had a knife on her throat and all her limbs locked down. He dragged that knife down the length of her body, cutting her nightgown, slicing into her flesh—long, not deep. He stopped just above her abdomen—he needed her whole on the bottom for the turns they were all going to take raping her. ‘Shoving her back into her place in the world,’ was what he’d kept muttering.”

The bile threatened to surge again and I didn’t need any more.


Damen fell silent.

The rage that was already pounding through my veins was more than enough to send my head into painful spasms if I didn’t unleash it somehow.

And this asshole deserved everything coming to him.

Did that make me judge and executioner? Yes. I had to own that.

But also, I didn’t care.

This demon had taken one of Damen’s family away from him—my family. Love me or hate me, his children were all mine now, like they’d been born of my own flesh.

With his mouth still gaping at me like a fish out of water, my hand lifted on its own accord, my fingers curled, then nothing but my pinky, of all things, raised to point at him.

It was all it took and I let loose.

Let loose of all the pain that was swirling inside of me, channeling it the best I could through my limb, and it flew out of the end of my pinky.

I could feel it tearing through my veins, ravaging me from the inside out as it went—a red light so pure and vicious it slammed into the malefic’s belly and exploded him from the inside out within a second. Then all the particles of him that were flying outward suddenly reversed course and sucked into the point where the red fury from my pinky had hit him, disappearing.

There. Then nothing.

Gone. Like he’d been sucked into a black hole.

Gone. Like he never existed.

The shackle hanging from the ceiling swayed back and forth, the arm no longer in it.

Most important, the painful energy no longer swirled within me, ready to send me to my knees.

Residual bits and pieces of it, yes. But nothing that one round in bed with Damen wouldn’t dispel.

I turned back to the metal counter, looking at the glow of the phone.

“It’s done.”

Damen let loose a long breath, almost a whistle. His words drawn out with intensity. “Hell, Ada. You did well. You were strong, but controlled—I saw it.”

I nodded, my eyes glazed over. The reality of what I’d just done interesting, but it didn’t prove anything.

It only proved I could kill.

That fact I already knew. It didn’t do a damn thing to prove I wouldn’t send death out onto the land.

“Now I need one more thing from you,” Damen said.


I could hear footsteps in his background. “I need you to go into the next cell away from the stairs. Grab the phone.”
