Page 67 of Exception

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“Have we really made life here that hard?” Cade’s voice holds a trace of disbelief, maybe even fear.

“Not intentionally.” Tiff gives a quick shake of her head. “But yeah. Sometimes I feel like I’m suffocating.”

“We can do better,” Cade insists as Cora tucks herself into his side for support, nodding right along with him. “I can do better. No more playing big brother, no more interference in your life, just don’t leave.”

“I agree with Cade.” I take Tiff’s hand from my chest and hold it in mine as she looks up at me. “This is your home. Don’t run away from that on my account.”

“Don’t you listen to anything I say?” She yanks her hand away and swats my chest. “I’m doing whatIwant, and whatIwant isyou. I know you feel the same—I heard you earlier—so the question isn’t whether people will accept us, it's whether you want to give them the chance to or whether you want to start over somewhere else.”

I was not expecting that ultimatum, and a quick glance at Cade and Cora tells me they weren’t either. They’re more shocked than I am though, since they’ve never seen this determined side of her. I, however, am well-acquainted with it. And I fucking love her for it.

Cupping her face in my hands I pull her to me and brush my lips softly over hers. “I love you, too, Sweet Girl.”

“I didn’t say I loved you,” she whispers against my mouth.

“Yeah, you did,” I whisper back, then bring her mouth to mine again, letting the kiss say everything I’ve been keeping to myself for weeks.I want you. I need you. I love you.

Tiff melts against me as my lips caress hers, savoring their softness. Their warmth. Their silent affirmation of my feelings, and the declaration of her own. This woman belongs to me, and I to her. Against all odds, against all logic, we’re part of each other. We’re meant to be.

“Umm. Umm.” A throat clears, causing us to break apart. “I know I said no more big brother stuff, but can that take effect later?”

“No,” I bark as Tiff says, “Get out of my kitchen.”

“Ow,” Cade whines as Cora smacks his arm. “Just asking.”

Cora offers a warm smile as she moves toward the door, though Cade stays rooted in place. “Are we…”

“Yeah.” I hold out my fist out. “Like Tiff said, we’ve always known you meant well. I don’t fault you for that.”

“And the eye?” he asks as he bumps his knuckles against mine.

“Hurts like hell. But I did lie to you for months so I’m calling it even.”

“Fair enough.” He gives me a sharp up-nod and takes his wife’s hand to leave, pausing once again when they reach the door. “We’ve got your back. Both of you.”

“I know. Thanks, Cuz.”

As the door clicks shut, I pull Tiff into my chest, holding her the way I’ve wanted to since waking up together in the cabin, but didn’t dare. “So, boyfriend?”

She pulls away and tilts her head back so she can see my face. “I mean…” She bites the corner of her lip in a mischievous smirk. “It has a better ring to it than sex teacher.”

“Okaythatwe’re definitely keeping to ourselves, otherwise a black eye won’t be the only damage I suffer.”

“Agreed. But boyfriends can still be sex teachers, right? I mean, we don’t have to stop exploring what we like?”

On a whim, I throw her over my shoulder and give her a firm smack on the ass as I carry her down the hall to her bedroom. “Never.”

Chapter 26


“Spill,”LennoncommandswhenI show up for my shift.

“Isn’t that against bartender etiquette? I feel like customers would be pretty upset with me if they don’t get a full pour, plus spilled drinks make everything so sticky.” It’s a futile response since it’s not the answer she wants, but it’s satisfying that it’s finallymyturn to be tight-lipped in the face of questions about men.

“Don’t play coy.” She stays on my heels as I make my way to the break room to deposit my coat, making it clear she’s not satisfied. “Nona said she saw Deacon leaving your place this morning.”

“Okay, seriously. The woman has to be pushing eighty. Does she really have nothing better to do than gossip about her neighbors? She’s worse than teenage girls.”
