Page 69 of Exception

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For roughly five seconds the table is silent, unless you count the gasps that come with the open-mouthed stares and wide eyes. Then chaos erupts.

“Say that again.”

“Did I hear that right?”

“You’re not serious?”

Only Cora stays quiet, until Ally calls her out. “Why are you not freaking out about this?” she asks.

“I already knew.” Cora lifts a nonchalant shoulder and sips her wine.

“And you’re okay with it?” Lennon turns to her with a mixture of concern and disbelief.

“I’m married to Cade, remember?” That gives the rest of the table pause as they no doubt recall Cade’s escapades were the inspiration for Deacon’s, before he met Cora. Either that or they think she won’t badmouth her husband’s cousin.

“Speaking of Cade, can we assume he’s the reason Deacon has a black eye?” Lennon asks.

“How do you know about that?” I ask her.

“Nona may be pushing eighty, but she has the eyesight of a hawk.”

“Jeez,” I mutter.

“Well?” Lennon prompts. “You did say Cade knows, but you didn’t say he approves.”

“He didn’t at first.” I lift a dismissive shoulder and glance at Cora, hoping she sees my silent plea for backup. “Now he does.”

“That’s true.” Cora doesn’t let me down.

“It’s true? Has he gone mad? Have you? We can’t do nothing while Tiff goes into the wolf’s den,” Lennon rants.

“Why is Deacon a wolf again?” Hailey asks. “I mean, Ryder thinks he’s a pretty good guy.”

“Ryder isn’t a hot blonde with big tits, so Deacon isn’t going to take advantage of your boyfriend,” Ally says matter-of-factly.

“Of course, he wouldn’t take advantage of her. He’s totally into her,” Becca says.

“What?” Sloane, Lennon and Ally all turn to face her.

“Don’t tell me you guys haven’t seen it?” Becca looks at each of them in turn.

“Seen what?” Sloane cocks her head to the side.

“He watches herallthe time. It’s subtle—I probably wouldn’t have caught it if Blake hadn’t pointed it out—but once he did it’s hard to miss. Every chance Deacon gets he sneaks a peek in her direction.” Becca tips her head toward me before leaning back in her chair and sipping her drink.

“Hot blonde, big tits,” Ally reiterates. “Of course, he’s going to look.”

“Fair.” Becca brushes her pink hair behind her shoulder. “But there’s lusting and longing. Deacon looks at her with longing.”

I was not aware of this, and even though Deacon told me himself he loves me, hearing Becca say she’s seen it makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

“I thought I picked up on that at Ryder’s welcome home party.” Hailey chimes in. “But I thought maybe it was just me.”

“Nope,” Becca confirms. “It’s been going on for months. Blake, Jace and I have been taking bets on when his secret would come out. I win by the way.”

“Wait.” Lennon closes her eyes and shakes her head like she’s trying to rid it of an image. “He’s been picking up girls at the bar for weeks. Why would he do that if he’s so into our girl here?”

“I can explain that, if I’m allowed to talk.” I give her my best false smile, more to annoy her than to piss her off. I know I’m lucky to have a boss who considers me a friend, but there are still limits she has to respect.
