Page 62 of Inked Hearts

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I let out a scream and squeeze their hands in what has to be a painful grip as I push. There's a moment of extreme earth-shattering pressure and then pure relief. Our daughter lets out an ear-piercing scream that has my heart thudding.

She's finally here.

“Want to cut the cord, Dad?” The doctor asks, and I glance up to see Wolf staring at our girl with tears flooding his eyes.

He nods, unable to speak, and makes his way to the end of the hospital bed to cut the cord. The second he lays eyes on our daughter, I can see it. The flooding of incomprehensible love. The moment when he laid eyes on the human being we made out of love.

My brother leans down, tears flooding his face as well, and plants a kiss on my forehead. “She's so fucking beautiful.”

The nurse brings our daughter over and places her against my chest. Just like the first time I had a child, my heart expands with this unconditional love.

I can remember watching these videos, where random mothers were asked if they would kill for their children. I was so shocked and almost appalled when they would hesitate or outright say ‘no’. Because I know down to the very bones of me that I would do anything for her and Aiden. Just like I know Wolf and Spencer…Sebastian and Maddox would end the world for them.

“Welcome to the world Daniella Petrova Kinly Wolfe,” I murmur.

This little girl holds a nod to every man in her life who loves her unconditionally. Daniella for Spencer Daniels, her blood uncle who will love and support her through every challenge life throws her way. Petrova for Maddox Petrov…her chosen uncle who will protect her through every single hardship. And Kinly for Sebastian Kincaid…the uncle who will show her how to stand up for herself no matter what.

Being loved and happy isn’t just a state of being; it is a journey, a daily choice to cherish and be cherished, to find joy in the ordinary and the extraordinary alike. It’s in the way we celebrated each other, not just on the milestones but on every day in between.

This life we have built, filled with love, laughter, and the sweet chaos of family, was more than I could have ever hoped for. It was real, it was ours, and it was beautiful.
