Page 14 of The Silent Knight

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Travis:That’s a negative.

Sarah:Then I guess you won’t be coming with me.

I place my phone down on my desk. She’s infuriating. I don’t want to sit on some old man’s lap where I’m sure a hundred kids have peed and then have photographic proof that I did it.No. No. I won’t do it.Sarah needs to know that she can’t boss me around. The bossing is my job. I have seen and done things that would shock her. This little brat needs a reminder of who’s in charge, I pick my phone up and write out another text.

Travis:Oh, I’m coming with you, and you know what I said about you needing to get rid of that bratty mouth? Well, you might be getting that punishment sooner rather than later. Is 6:00 good for you?

She reads the message but doesn’t respond back to me right away. I didn’t expect her to. She has too much pride to be handled by a man. But she has another thing coming if she thinks she can boss me around. I am the boss, and she's about to find out how seriously I take that role.


Travis:Oh, I’m coming with you, and you know what I said you needed to get rid of that brat? Well, you might be getting it sooner rather than later. 6:00 good for you?

I reread the message over and over again. I don’t know what to respond to that. I don’t know if he’s playing or if he really wants to spank my ass. I have to admit the thought gets me all hot and needy. I’ve never been with someone so dominant before, not that I’m with him, but he makes it sound that way. A blush creeps up my face as I reread the message again. I can’t believe he said that.What should I reply?

I’m interrupted from my thoughts when Madison knocks at my door. My face must show my guilt. “Okay,spill. Who is this mystery man. I saw you messaging back and forth and smiling and now you’re blushing. I need all the details.” She plops down on the leather chair in front of my desk and eyes me until I start to speak.

“Okay, okay. His name is Travis. I met him last week when Miles sent him to our apartment to install some extra security stuff since everything that happened with Lizzie a week ago,” I say.

“Alright, and have you been out yet?” She asks.

“Well, not technically. I met him Friday when I left early from work and we didn’t really hit it off, I didn’t want the damn security crap in the first place, but it was at Miles’ insistence. Lizzie hasn’t even been home since then, but that’s neither here nor there. So, he comes back the next day to install this keyless lock thingy and he pulled me into the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had. But I think it was only because we were standing under the mistletoe that I hung. He might just be a good kisser, right?” I question.

“OMG, tell me more!” Madi insists.

“Well, then he left me all hot and bothered. And I didn’t hear from him for a couple days since he was waiting for the rest of the equipment he ordered to come in. So, he came over on Tuesday and that’s the day I was so sick, remember? Well, he came into the apartment, and I was basically comatose. He took care of me all day and night. I apparently asked him to stay with me and he slept in my bed. Nothing happened of course, but then he made me breakfast the next day. Meanwhile, I still don’t really know what’s going on,” I finish. She sighs and falls back in her chair.

“Sounds like he has the hots for you. My boyfriendhardly takes care of me when I’m sick. He just throws me a box of cold medicine and leaves because he doesn’t want to catch it.” She shrugs her shoulders, but I can see the sadness there. Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this anymore. “So, tell me what else has happened.” She smiles eagerly at me.

“Well, he came over last night to tell me that the thing he installed on the door wasn’t working. He could see it from his company computer, so he came and checked on me. But he found me dressed in skimpy pajamas dancing around the apartment and singing to All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey. I almost died from embarrassment.” I place my hands over my face for a moment. “But he just laughed and stayed for dinner and a Christmas movie. There was no snuggling, no kissing, nothing. I walked him out and he kissed my forehead before he told me to lock the door behind him. I think I have been friend zoned,” I admit.

“Oh girl! You can’t really think that! He has gone through all this trouble for you. Maybe he doesn’t know where your head is at with this whole situation. He sounds like a gentleman. What does he look like? I have to know!” she exclaims. I laugh right along with her.

“Well, he’s almost ten years older than me but he’s still so handsome and he’s really tall like 6’2 or 6’3. He was in the military, so he has muscles for days and the most beautiful brown eyes I’ve ever seen. He has light brown hair that is cut short on the sides and a little longer up top. He’s strong enough to carry me because he did the night I was sick. He put me in the tub to get my fever down. And then we have been texting today because we are supposed to get a bite to eat before I go Christmas shopping, but he acts like he is coming shopping with me. I don’t know what to say,”I admit.

“You say hell yes! Sounds like the man of your dreams, Sarah. Why aren’t you going for it?” she asks. I don’t really have an answer. I can make all the excuses I want to about not needing a man right now or that he’s not really interested but I don’t think that’s the case. Maybe I’m just scared.

“There is also something that he has mentioned twice now. He’s called me a brat and said I needed to get a punishment where I wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week,” I cover my face with my hands as I feel the blush creeping back up my cheeks.

“Girl! I’m about to text him from your phone that you will do whatever he wants. Sounds like he’s a dom. I dated one once and it was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life.” She squeals and I have to look around the office to see if anyone is listening to us. How mortifying would that be.

“So, what? He’s like Christian Grey? I don’t know if I can handle all that,” I murmur as I pull my hands from my eyes.

“He might just like being in control. And there is nothing wrong with that. Trust me. Plus, if there’s anything you don’t like you can just say stop. And that’s that. I say go for it girl.” Madi stands and gives me a hug. “I’m excited for you and I can’t wait to hear more about him.” She smiles as she leaves my office.

I look back down at my phone and reread the message he sent.

Sarah:6 is perfect. I’ll meet you at the entrance to the Galleria.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach after I press send. I don’t know how this is going to go but I’m jumping in head first.

Chapter 10


I check my watch and see that it’s 5:56 p.m., Sarah should be here any minute. When I look up, she’s heading right for me with a smile on her face. Punctual, I like that.

“How are you this evening?” I ask as she walks right up to me.

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