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“Good afternoon, Gabriella. I'm glad you decided to wear a little more clothing to tea than you wore on the front pages of today's newspapers,” she greets me loud enough for every ear in the room to hear, and the response is a chorus of laughter. My lips tremble, but I don't let the smile fall from them. “Please move around. I'm sure all my guests are very excited to meet you.” I blink at the order disguised as a suggestion, not thinking I understood it correctly. “They told me that you had already learned Italian. Did they lie to me?” she asks when I don't move, and I immediately respond.

“No, ma'am.”

“Then obey!” she orders, immediately showing what her objective was in bringing me to this room, to remind me of my place, as a pet. It will be a day of reminders, then.

I nod and take two steps away, walking backwards, before turning around. I still have the innocence of trying to find some kind or, at least, not so hostile face to begin my saga, but one look around the room is enough to understand that I won't find one.

I square my shoulders, firm my smile, and do the opposite. I look for the cruelest look being thrown my way, and when I find its owner, I walk towards it. Monsters never scared me; they are old acquaintances. It's the pulse inside me, begging me to leave this room, which is a novelty. I ignore it, though.

“Good afternoon,” I greet as I approach a group of four women and, to my left, the owner of the green eyes that attracted me to the circle looks at me with so much disgust that I think she would spit at me.

The woman wears a refined black knee-length dress and has her blonde hair tied in a low bun. Her very fair face is stern and powdered. Pride is, without a doubt, her favorite sin.

Next to her is her daughter, I'm sure, because the two are very similar. The other pair in the circle is also made up of a mother and daughter. Although I don't think the other mother is about to spit on me, her look isn't much better than the first one's.

The younger women look to be my age, and their gazes, although not gentle, are not that aggressive either. They obviously think they are superior to me, but curiosity is the predominant feeling in their investigations.

“The foreign prostitute,” the woman on my left says, and her words drip with disgust. My smile doesn't waver despite the open insult, and it bothers her. “Why are you smiling?”

“Would you like me to stop smiling?” I offer helpfully, swallowing acid with every word that leaves my mouth. The woman blinks, taken by surprise by my question, as are the other three around me. Then she laughs loudly, an outrageous, fake laugh.

“Now, look, ladies. She's trained,” she says, and I do a little bow, truly feeling like a circus animal. The smile on my face, despite this, doesn't waver.

“It was a pleasure meeting you,” I say, and the older women are the first to look away. The younger ones still stare at me for a few more seconds.

I don't bother trying to figure out why, I just wait until their disinterest becomes obvious to take two steps back before turning around, heading to the next group where I meet the most hateful stare, and introducing myself.

“Good afternoon, ladies. It's a pleasure to meet you,” I repeat, smiling, playing the role perfectly and promising myself never to forget it again.



Vittorio Cataneo

Despite the fatigue weighing down my limbs after the hell that has been the last twenty-four hours, my bed is not the reason for the rush that drives my steps up the stairs. The woman I hope to find in it, is.

I didn't go home yesterday, too absorbed in the anticipation of seeing my plans for Massimo carried out, it wasn't until the first international news reports of the day announced what they are calling "A Hell of a Day for Coppeline Corp" that I managed to stop myself from worryingly moving from one place to another, meeting demand after accumulated demand for work and returning home.

At this point, Massimo is probably trying to decide whether to start counting his losses or plan my death. I may not yet have the power to erase a day from history, but I satisfied myself by erasing yesterday's records from any and every place that was within reach of my eyes and ears. Coppeline would love to do the same with today, I'm sure, but unfortunately for him, I make a point of watching him grovel over the consequences of his affront.

This was the first night I'd spent away since Gabriella moved into my wing of the house, I note. It was also the first time that she didn't fall asleep in my arms since I started fucking her, andwith each step I felt the urgency to put my hands on the Brazilian woman increase.

Considering her newfound attraction to bed, I wonder if she'll complain about me waking her up at six in the morning. One more test. I can't contain my smile, but as quickly as it comes, it's gone when I come across Luigia, coming down the stairs to my wing.

Strange for her to be here so early. Breakfast is not served until seven and over a month ago this became Rafaella's responsibility.

“Good morning, Don,” she greets and stops walking, forcing me to do the same.

“Ciao, Luigia.”

“I only stopped by to drop off the bag that the girl forgot in thesignora's wing yesterday.” My first thought is that the forgotten bag is Rafaella's, because it wouldn't make any sense for it to belong to mybambina. The point is that Luigia has lived in this house for more than enough time to know what information is worth my time and what isn't.

“Gabriella forgot a bag in my mother's wing?”

“At the women's tea, Don.SignoraAnna invited Gabriella to participate in yesterday’s,” she reveals, and I control myself not to inhale deeply.

“Who else was present at that tea?”
