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Vittorio is an excellent father, he doesn't just educate, he loves our children with all his thorny heart and takes care of them in the same way I always dreamed my children would be taken care of. I love my husband, but I also know him.

And the man who bathed the soil of Catania with blood while trying to find me is not the same man who, no matter what time he gets home, and whether he spent the day taking lives or managing companies, stops by our children's rooms to kiss their sleeping heads.

There was a time when I feared that Vittorio could not be for our children what he is for me, more than a protector or a safe haven, he is everything. The air I breathe and the ground I walk on. And for our children he went further, he became a hero, even though the number of people in the lives of whom Vittorio was or is a villain is immeasurable.

Transforming completely into his partner was not an easy path, because although I accept and love every bit and instinct of the Don, many of them are not mine, and despite Vittorio's hand forcing each member of La Santa to swallow me, it took years for me to stop being something they had to put up with and became theMammaof thefamiglia, admired and respected by everyone.

“Mamma!” Davide calls and I look down at my boy who has his father's blue eyes. I stroke his dark hair, wishing for a second that the world would never touch him with its cruelty.

I don't dare turn desire into prayer. It's been a while since I left that level of naivety behind.

“Yes, figlio mio.”

“Will Antonio also fall asleep in the middle of the stories?” The innocent question makes me laugh.

“I don't know,figlio. It will take a while for us to find out.” Davide nods his little head, agreeing.

“Willpapàbe home soon?” He questions right away, as I had no doubt he would. Davide asks this question every night.

“I don't know, but you have a bedtime, regardless of what timetuo padrearrives.” He shakes his little head once again and I caress his little cheek. I watch as his eyes close and my oldest son pretends to fall asleep again, just like he does every night.

I laugh, remembering a time long ago when his father told me that when I wanted to pretend to be asleep, I should avoid blushing. Maybe one day I'll teach Davide this, maybe not.

My spine shivers and I don't need to look up to know that today Davide was lucky. I let out a long sigh, feeling every fiber of my body react to Vittorio's approach, even after all these years.

I don't hear his footsteps as he enters the girls' room. I've never heard them, but his low voice takes over every one of my senses when he talks to me.

“Ciao, Bella,” he murmurs, kissing my hair.

“Ciao, amore mio,” I reply, tilting my neck slightly back to have my forehead kissed too and then my lips. Vittorio's hand finds my belly and he caresses it slowly.

“How are my children?”

“Great!” I smile. After everything I've been through, I didn't imagine I would love being a mother so much. But under Vittorio's rule, I learned that I never had a problem with caring, I just wanted to be taken care of too. “This sleeping boy,” I say, giving my husband a wink as I nod to Davide “Needs to be taken to his own room. Can you do it?”

“Asleep, huh? What a shame, I wanted to show him a new mare that I'm thinking of bringing into the stables,” Vittorio says, and Davide's eyes open immediately, making me laugh.

I kiss Caterina and Maddalena's blonde heads, then Davide's nose before standing up, letting him have his moment with his father. Happiness fills me with intensity, circulating through my veins as if it were blood and with each step I take towards my room, I feel the rhythm in my chest become a little accelerated.

Almost half an hour later, when the door opens, and the man walking past finds me on my knees on the bed, my heart pounds in my throat, completely hallucinated by anticipation. I bite my lip as I let my eyes run over his body, even more muscular than when I met Vittorio, then over his strong-lined face and hair that is already gray in some spots.

The thin-strap top covers my breasts and part of my belly but does nothing to hide my completely naked legs and pussy, because after the kids the no-panties rule only applied inside our bedroom. Vittorio runs his eyes over my entire body, setting me on fire before closing the distance between us and reaching out to touch the collar around my neck.

“What day is it, Bella?”

“The day you marked me completely for the first time, sir.”

“And how did I do that?”

“Fucking every hole in my body and cumming inside them all.”

“And how do we celebrate this, every year, Bella?”

“With new marks, sir.” He brings his face closer to mine and slides his nose against my skin, smelling me before kissing my mouth.

Vittorio only moves away when I can no longer breathe and positions himself behind me. He unclasps the choker around my neck and lets it slide down my skin until it falls silently to the mattress. The cold touch of the new jewel chills me and I don't need a mirror to know the difference between the old one and this one: a new rose, the sixth. One for each year being completely his.

There was a time when I wanted, more than anything else, to belong. Today, while my husband kisses me and adores every inch of my body with his hands, lips, and cock, all I do is thank La Santa for the grace achieved, because I didn't do anything to deserve it, but I was blessed.
