Page 6 of Hot Revenge

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Scott’s jaw, adorned with a slim excuse of a beard, drops. ‘She-she what?’

‘Cara doesn’t want to see you anymore.’ I pronounce each word clearly and slowly, making sure this eejit gets the point. ‘Don’t come near this house again.’

‘But… She just texted me, she told me to come over, man.’ He smiles confidently, but the smile drops when I step closer to him, making sure to appear as big and threatening as possible. With my wide shoulders and six-foot-three height, it’s not difficult. Scott is almost as tall as me, but the shoulder pads of his jacket can’t do anything about his lanky, skinny frame.

‘And I am telling you, you are not welcome anymore.’ I grab his jacket and fish out the bag of weed from his inside pocket.

‘What? Hey!’ He’s too slow to react. ‘No, No!!’ he screams when I rip the bag open and let the thin marijuana leaves float in the air where they are hit by drizzly rain and drop to the ground.

I press the empty bag in his hand while my chest rises and falls rapidly.God, that little act of power felt good! ‘You are not to set foot here again. You are not to see or contact Cara. Understood?’

‘Yeah, okay, okay. But the weed, man?!’ he whines.

I fist my hands – I really want to punch his face. Where does she find these losers?

‘Get the fuck out of here.’

Hearing my growled words, the little wimp retreats another step, his back pressed against his car, and swallows hard.

‘O-okay.’ He fumbles to reach the door handle.

I close the front door of the house to the sound of the car’s broken exhaust sputtering down the driveway.

‘Was that Scott?’

The mini bane of my life stops halfway down the stairs. I trail my eyes up her toned legs, over her short skirt and tight top that can hardly keep her breasts contained. She’s dressed up like this for her waste of space boyfriend. The adrenaline I didn’t use on Scott’s face is coursing through my body. My eyes move from Cara’s cleavage to her face. The make-up around her eyes can’t hide the redness. I assume it’s the result of the shouting match I overheard her have with Valerie earlier. Her stupid mother made her cry.

I smirk. I’m going to make this lazy teenager cry even more.

‘Yes, it was Scott. I told him to leave and never come back.’

‘What?’ Cara’s head reels back.

‘He’s not welcome here anymore.’

‘But why? Why would you say that?’ She stomps down the stairs, her breasts bouncing and her brown hair flowing around her shoulders. ‘He’s my boyfriend!’

‘Not anymore, he’s not.’

Cara’s jaw drops. ‘But… I’m nineteen, I can see whoever I want. You can’t decide for me!’

‘I’m not letting that loser back into my house,’ I reply calmly although my pulse is beating fast.

‘Why-why are you doing this?’ Her eyes lower to the rain soaked t-shirt clinging to my chest. I push my shoulders back. She swallows before her head snaps up and she adds in anger, and maybe a bit of hurt, ‘You’ve never cared about who I see before!’

It’s true, I haven’t. ‘I do now.’

‘Why?’ she demands, stopping right in front of me, her head tilted up and hands fisted against her hips. The likeness to a stroppy child is uncanny. My gaze zooms in on her cleavage. Or maybe not.

‘Why?’ I take a step closer, forcing her to back up just like Scott did. I continue stalking her, almost knocking over a potted cactus in the process, until her back is pressed up against the wall next to the staircase, exactly where the painting of my great-grandfather used to hang. ‘He had a bag full of weed with him.’

Cara’s cheeks tint, but she lifts her chin defiantly. ‘So what?’ she challenges.

‘Is that what my money was for?’ Her mouth drops open. ‘Were you going to pay for the drugs with the money you stole from me?’

‘I-I-I was only borrowing it,’ she stutters, her bravado all but gone. ‘Scott didn’t have any money and he said that I had to pay. I was going to replace it next week, I promise!’

‘So, you were going to what? Sit up in your room and get stoned out of your face on weed that was paid for with money stolen from me?’
