Page 48 of Innocent Revenge

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“You’re hard though,” Caitlin whispers a few minutes later, wiggling her butt.

“And you’re wet,” I counter with a chuckle.

She looks up at me, eyes still glassy with tears and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. “It would be a shame to waste that hardness and wetness, wouldn’t it?”

“What are you suggesting, little fairy?”

She licks her lips, hesitates for a second, then whispers, “Fuck me, Daddy.”

The burst of heat in my groin is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, the urgency to be inside of her almost dizzying. I lift her up so she can straddle me, and with eager fingers, I push my trousers and underwear down my hips. My cock springs free, pointing straight at her naked pussy.

“Be a good girl and take Daddy’s cum,” I growl.

“Yes, Daddy,” she whines as she sinks down my shaft, eyes rolling back in her head.

There’s no chance of me pulling out this time.

* * *

The next morning, Caitlin stands in front of my desk blushing and tells me we can’t have sex as she’s got her period. I guess that explains why she was so emotional yesterday. I sigh in relief – our rounds of unprotected sex haven’t hadconsequences. That twitch of disappointment in my gut is surely because I can’t fuck her for a few days.

I lean back in my chair and spread my legs.

“Be a good girl and get on your knees, Caitlin. There’s nothing wrong with your filthy mouth.”




A murmur of amens fill the church. The long service is finally over. I used to find some enjoyment from Father Murray’s preaching, but now…

I keep coming up with excuses not to go to confession, and when I do go, I drop a hint about greed and being selfish, and Father Murray gladly starts lecturing. Withholding my other sins isn’t right, but I don’t feel he deserves to hear them. I whisper them to God at night instead. I’ve told Him that I’m sleeping with a man twice my age, that I let him… spank me – and that I, for some strange reason, liked it – and that I call him Daddy, so God is informed. If I tell Father Murray, then a hell of a lot of more people than God will know. He’s as loose mouthed as River Liffey.

As usual, it takes forever to leave the church – Dad is backslapping all the men and Mum is air-kissing all the women and telling them about the amazing menu at the new Michelin star restaurant they went to when they celebrated Fin’s photo shoot. I smile politely and nod.

Father Murray and Miss Duffy are waiting as the last hurdle by the ornate oak door. Both Dad and Fin have done a disappearing act, as they normally do to avoid Father Murray.Give me strength,I think and bite my lip as I glance over to the corner where Aidan had one hand over my mouth and another in my panties. Energy fills me. Aidan’s right. Sinning behind their backs does make this torture easier to bear.

My chin is tilted up as I turn my gaze forward. Miss Duffy’s cold eyes stare right into mine. I shiver and instinctively take a step back.

“Father, that was a lovely sermon,” Mum gushes. He grabs her outstretched hand with both of his. “Your talk about honesty really got to me. You have such a way with words.”


I drop my head and I hide my fingers in the folds of my skirt. It’s one thing to hold something back, but to outright lie… Because I’ve lied to my parents – to their faces. Not the lying by omission, but an outright lie. I’ve told them I will be staying with a friend from school on Tuesday night.

When, in reality, I’ll be staying with Aidan.

I wonder what’s happening between us. I mean, he’s taught me that doing things my parents wouldn’t approve of helps me keep my head high. But is that all there is? I can’t help the tingling in my tummy whenever he’s near and he seems to… really like me. I think.

I breathe in a big lungful of air as we’re finally outside. Some rays escaping through a chink in the clouds heats my skin as we join Dad and Fin.

“I’ve found a house,” my brother announces. “Declan mentioned it earlier, and I had a look at the estate agent’s website during the service.”


My stomach twists a bit. Fin’s friend from school has been up to the house a few times lately. I think he’s flirting with me. But when I stand next to him, I only feel stupid and insecure. Like a child posing as an adult. But when I’m next to Aidan, even when he laughs at my naïvety, I feel safe. Like he’ll protect me. I don’t have to pretend when I’m with him.
