Page 71 of Innocent Revenge

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“I believe Caitlin has something to tell you,” my church leader says, all grave.

“Caitlin,” Aidan asks, a worried crease between his eyebrows.

“I meant to tell you, but we got kind of distracted,” I whisper back and nibble at my lip.

Dad stands behind his desk. “What’s this all about.”

“That girl”—Miss Duffy points her bent arthritic finger at me—“has beensinningwiththat man.” Her finger swings to Aidan.

Mum’s gasp is like a whip before she barks my name, “Caitlin! Is that true?”

“Y-yes,” I reply, barely above a whisper.

“Have I taught younothing?” Mum’s eyes are bulging. “Throwing yourself at a man, and your father’s business partner? What were you thinking!”

Icicles form in my chest.

“Don’t blame your daughter, I was the one pursuing her.”

For once, Aidan’s voice doesn’t calm me. This is so bad.

“What?” Dad barks. “You went after my daughter?”

“I did. She’s amazing, I couldn’t keep my hands off her.”

“Aidan!” I whisper yell. His nonchalant comments will not help. Nothing will help. A chill is creeping up my neck, tingling my scalp like needle pricks.

“How dare you!” Dad shouts at the same time as Mum screams, “I expected more of you, Caitlin!”

“She’s a sinner of the worst kind!”

My head whips to the damning words of Father Murray, then back around to my mother’s shrill outburst.

“You are not to see this man again. You obviously can’t be trusted.”

“You’re a slut.” The hissing sound of Miss Duffy, followed by the dark giggle of my brother.

“I’m pregnant!”

The room freezes. I close my eyes and relish the small gap of quiet while my internal eye relives the moment Aidan and I bent over the white stick with the two blue lines. The stillness is interrupted by a wail.

“Noooo!” Mum cries and falls to the bench. Father Murray rushes to her side, and supported by him and Fin, she screeches, “The scandal. The scandal! Everyone will talk about us!”

“She-she’s a child!” Dad’s voice booms in the room.

“She’s very much an adult,” my Aidan replies calmly.

“She’s unmarried!” Mum shouts.

“Not for long. Caitlin accepted my proposal. We are engaged to be married.”

“Dad,” I say and try to smile with my wobbling lips as stunned silence again fill the room. “You’ve always said that you wanted the company to stay within the family. This way it does.”

His mouth opens, then closes and opens again. “You can’t be serious!” Dad finally finds his voice and bangs his fist down on his desk, right on his letter opener. He winces and rubs his hand. “Caitlin, Aidan has slept with half the office. We had to fork out compensation to employees because he couldn’t keep it in his pants.”

“What?” I turn to Aidan. His face shows no emotion.

“It’s true,” Dad continues, mockingly. “You’re engaged to the officegigolo.”
