Page 73 of Innocent Revenge

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“Caitlin.” My name is spoken softly, lovingly, and I grab his outstretched hand.

“I want to be that family because you have given me more than I ever thought I could have. You’ve given me a safe place to be me.”

Aidan’s eyes go glassy, but he doesn’t seem embarrassed about it. “I want to be your safe haven. Forever, Caitlin. If you’ll let me.”

My lips tremble and I nod. “I will.”

Strong hands cradle my face and a soft mouth presses against mine. The room erupts in noise, but all I sense is the love from Aidan as our kiss deepens. I gasp for air when he finally releases me. I turn to my dad. “Oh, by the way, I vote to keep the money.”

My fiancé grins down at me before he too faces my dad. “You know, Finbar, we may disagree on this, but at the end of the day, Caitlin and I own the majority of this company, so…” He shrugs his shoulders. “Our decision rules.”



Caitlin stirs. She’s tucked up on the sofa in a thick blanket. After the showdown in Finbar’s office, I thought it was best she stayed with me and not in the toxic atmosphere at her parents’ house. It wouldn’t be good for her condition. On the way back, we stopped at a pharmacy and stocked up on all the vitamins and other things that Caitlin needs. While she’s been sleeping, I’ve arranged our purchases in the kitchen, cleared space for her clothes in my wardrobe and ordered five books on pregnancy and parenting.

I sit on the coffee table and lean over to kiss the tip of her nose.

Her eyelids flutter and open. I give her a few seconds to remember where she is. One of her ginger curls caresses her cheek, and I gently push it behind her ear.

“How do you feel?”

Caitlin clears her throat. “Okay.”

I snort. Isn’t that her go-to response. “You’re going to be a mother, Caitlin.”

She swallows. So much has happened today, and it will taketime to get to grips with the enormity of it all. I repeat my question. “How do you feel?”

Her breath stutters. “Overwhelmed.”

“Understandably.” I nod. “I’m not going to lie, I’m ecstatic about the prospect of our baby. But that doesn’t mean I’m blind to the fact that you’re only eighteen and probably didn’t want a child this young.”

“I guess. I-I’ve always said I wanted kids, but it’s a bit of a shock.”

“I know. But we will make it work. Together.”

“Together,” she repeats, a hopeful smile on her face.

“You’re young, but as I’ve said before, I’m convinced that you’ll be a great mother. I think you’ll be the kind of mum who will smother your kids with love at the same time as you forget to pick them up from school because you’re so engrossed in a painting.”

She gapes and sits up. “What?”

“That’s why you need me. I’ll not only look after our children, I’ll also look after you and provide you with the structure and support that you need to thrive, live and love.”

She blinks rapidly. “Children?”

“You didn’t think I’d stop at one, did you?” Her eyes widen, and I change the topic to avoid overwhelming her more than she already is. “What do you say about a Las Vegas wedding?”

“The city of sin?” she whispers, her eyebrows raised high.

“It would be so naughty.” I smirk and wink.

“Well…” She bites her lip. “Someone once told me that a bit of sinning never hurt anyone.”


