Page 67 of Crave and Torn

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“Crap! I do. Oh my God, I hope it’s not burning. I’ll be back.” Aunt Gina gives me the evil eye as she passes and pushes through the door I can only assume leads to the kitchen, disappearing in an instant.

“Sorry about that,” Marina says, taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “So do you mind telling me? How you know Archer Bancroft?”

Hmm. Someone wants something. I can see it in the way she’s looking at me. Like her question shouldn’t matter but it definitely does. I wonder what she wants from Archer? “We go way back,” I drawl. This could be fun, making her work for it.

“Really? So are you two close?”

Best friends since high school, but like I’m going to give her that info. Yet. “Close enough,” I say, purposefully vague.

“Hmm. You know, I had this idea I wanted to propose to him, and I keep forgetting to give him a call, I’ve been so busy. Maybe you can help me with that,” she says hopefully, her eyes wide, her expression open.

Is she serious? I can’t tell. But I haven’t even earned her full forgiveness yet. “I can help you with whatever you want.”

Her gaze narrows. “You say things like that, and it sounds sexual.”

Guess this attraction between us isn’t all one-sided. Good news. Just looking at her and I want to touch her. Run my fingers through her hair. Drop a soft kiss to her very kissable mouth. She might punch me if I try, though. Can’t push her too hard. “I guess I can’t help but think of sex when I’m near you.”

Her mouth drops open. “Are you serious?”

Shit. Yep, there I went, pushing too hard like I can’t help myself. I need to change the subject quick. Most women who flirt with me have no problem talking about sex. This one acts like I just asked her to commit a crime. “So, what sort of idea were you thinking?”

Her expression instantly goes blank. “Like I’m going to tell you anything. I don’t even know you.”

Fine. She wants to play that way? I can play right back. “You want my help talking to Archer?”

She nods so subtly I can almost believe she didn’t do it. Almost.

“I need your forgiveness.”

“You’re forgiven,” she says automatically.

Meh. That was quick. And it really didn’t count since I know she didn’t mean it, but I’ll let it slide. “You can’t make me feel guilty about this anymore. What’s done is done.”

“Fine. Great. Works for me.” She releases another shakybreath. I think I make her uncomfortable. Perfect, because she makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

As in theI want her so much I feel like I’m going to lose it if I don’t touch her in the next five minuteskind of uncomfortable.

“I’ll need one more thing from you before I can make this happen,” I say quietly, trying to amp the anticipation. I’m dying to see her reaction when I tell her.

Marina rolls her eyes, sexy despite her irritation with me. Since when have I ever been excited by a woman’s irritation? I’m a sick bastard.

“Oh, come on. What more could you want?” She sounds completely put out. And clueless.

Well. I’m about to rock her world with one single word.



Listen, I’m not some whore you can buy and sell,” I say, immediately regretting my words. I sound completely over the top.

The look on his face shows he knows it. “That wasn’t what I was implying,” he says carefully. “I just... like you. I was hoping maybe we could see each other sometime.”

The man is insane. Gorgeous and confident and with a surprisingly good sense of humor, considering how deftly he handled crazy Gina, but he’s also a complete pain in my ass.

He has something I want though and I can’t believe I forgot. Connections: one I somehow missed, so shame on me. And that connection is Archer Bancroft: a transplant, not necessarily considered a local, but definitely a man who’smoved into the area within the last five years and done positive things to regenerate the economy. His hotel business is thriving; he’s provided lots of jobs and plenty of sales revenue. He’s solid, and his reputation is relatively golden, helped considerably since he settled down into a serious relationship. This community is small enough that everyone knows each other’s business, and Archer’s not shy about making a public statement.

He is definitely someone I want to do business with. I’ve had these new ideas bouncing around inside my brain, and I think he’s the perfect candidate for one of them. Well, his hotel is the perfect candidate. If I could get my aunt’s desserts into his restaurants, the extra exposure and revenue might help save the bakery.
