Page 11 of Tempted Angel

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If it isn’t…

Well, I’ll get myself in that school one way or another.

I don’t second guess myself or waste time wondering if I’m doing the right thing.

I am.

This is how I’ll find my soul-bonded. My betrothed.

And the second I do, we’re getting the hell off this rock.

The ring slides off my finger, and I throw it on the ground. It explodes the moment it touches the grass, a blinding flash of color and sound in a brilliant show of demonic power.

The force knocks me back, but I stay on my feet and even hang on to my bag. I check my right hand, making sure the blast didn’t damage the glamour ring before double checking my left hand, and the invisible Celestus seal tattooed on my palm.

The angel script that only other Celestials can see.

The seal that binds my power on this plane. Three lines of vertical script glow bright blue under my scrutiny. The same shade of blue as the Flames themselves.

Before the glow fades, a fat orange feline appears in the corner of my vision.

“Did you do that?” it asks aloud with an eerie other-planar voice.

I stare at the rotund creature, and he stares right back.

Gael said nothing about demon cats on this plane.

His tail swishes back and forth as if the creature is annoyed. “Well? I haven’t got all day.”

I nod, but instead of answering the straightforward query, I insult him. “Ah. I see. Important cat shit to do?”

I never know when my tongue will run amok. There’s no consistent circumstance that brings it forth. Just an occasional, nagging itch in my brain. If I’m lucky, I can catch it in time.

Otherwise, it just…


The cat eyes me, something new rising in his gaze.

I’m not well-versed in reading demon cat facial expressions, but I think he’s amused.

Or as amused as a cat can be, I suppose.

“No point in lying. I can smell the magic on you. Come on. It’s off to the school for you.”

The cat doesn’t give me the chance to argue before it sprouts several writhing tentacles, lashes them around my middle and limbs, and pulls me toward it.

Before I can scream, it’s over.

It’s bright. Too bright. I’m squinting when four large shadows step in front of me

“Who the hell are you? And how the fuck did you get here?” a deep masculine voice belonging to one of the shadows yells. Even in the thinner air of this realm, his voice still holds all the depth and resonance of his kind.

A demon.

I squeeze my left hand. This is it. The real test.

Either the angel script ward worked…
