Page 15 of Tempted Angel

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With a wave of his hand, the demon who hadn’t introduced himself waves his hand and shimmers me out of his office to the middle of a crowded hall.

Bright sunshine and white walls. The quiet, almost intimate office turns into the din of excited students getting out of class. There are so many people.

Too many.

I’m jostled between bodies.

It’s too much.

My brain itches to scream. It desperately wants to tell everyone to back off, that I’m an angel, and that they’re all stupid for not seeing it.

Pain isn’t working at the moment. My mouth is already full of blood.

We planned for this. Sera and I knew this might happen.

So, before I shout all my secrets to the entire student body, I shift my focus to what’s around me. The people, the sights, the smells.

Focusing on the people makes me angry. Makes my tongue feel even looser.

The sights aren’t much better. Not as angry, but not calming, either.

Smells. That’s what does it. Trips up my brain long enough I can distract it.

I sink into them, putting every bit of my awareness into the barest molecule of aroma.

There are so many, mingling, combining, and it dawns on me…

There aren’t just demons in this school.

Sure, smoke and brimstone linger in the air, but also the spicy bite common to witches, and the feral earthy scent of shifters.

There’s something else.

Something I’ve never scented before.

Like death itself.

“Why, hello there. And what is your name, lovely?” With every syllable, a student with pale skin and pointed teeth slinks closer and closer to me.

“Back off, Vlad. I’ve got important cat shit to do.”

Fuck, brain. Really? That’s what you hand me right now?

His eyes widen, and the tops of his ears turn pink. I turn my back to him and start pushing my way through the people in the other direction.

“Hey! Hey! Don’t turn your back on me, bitch!”

“Ew. Don’t speak to your betters like that, Count Dracula. You’ll likely have more luck with the human locals, though.” I don’t break my stride or even turn around to say it.

Do I know where I’m going?


But do I want to be a meal for the first vampire I’ve ever met?

Bigger no.

As I depart, hearty laughter rises over the other sounds. “Did that demon chick just call you Count Dracula?”
