Page 22 of Tempted Angel

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If he hadn’t, the temptation wouldn’t exist. The mortal realm would simply be another plane that wasn’t as beautiful as Celestus.

But then, I wouldn’t have met Gael.

“Girl!” Jess starts, but Stevie elbows her right in the tit.

“I’m really glad I found you. I can only imagine what harm Olivia and her ilk might have caused if they found out.”

Chapter Seven

All creatures want an angel's Grace and have devised many-a-way to rip it from her. The most egregious of all is fornication.

- The Book of Grace Chapter 3 Verse 2

“Speak of the devil,”Stevie says under her breath, eyes tracking something in the distance. I follow her gaze to the group of seven demons who just entered the dining hall.

I recognize the three demon girls from the dorm and the gorgeous demon that pressed all my horny buttons with his electrified touch.

The remaining three were likely the other demons in the room, backlit and obscured in silhouette.

Mr. Electric Touch himself finds my eyes almost instantly and heads for our table, bringing the rest of the demons with him.

As if spelled, the entire hall goes silent, all eyes on them.

“Hello, new girl,” he says with an impish grin. “Why don’t you join us on our side of the hall and stay with your own kind? Witches are far beneath your status.”

I mirror his petulant smile. “First off, my name is Dove. Second, these witches are the only ones in this whole school who’ve bothered being nice to me. And third, don’t you think self-imposed segregation is a little dated?”

He lifts a brow at me, but otherwise seems unaffected. “We’re the minority magic users here. We stick together, babe.”

The redhead frowns and wraps her arm around his waist.

I need to get in with these demons. They know where Gael is. And if they don’t, then they know who does.

But before I can say the diplomatic thing about not leaving my new friends and promising to join them later, my brain redirects and takes my mouth off course.

“Why would I want to be seen with a group of demons who look like they eat cigarettes for breakfast?”

Oh, my ever-loving Grace, kill me now.

As I’m busy trying to will a sinkhole to swallow me whole, the tables closest to us erupt into laughter.

Even Stevie and Jess cackle at my ill-timed insult.

I can’t back out now or I’ll look crazy, so I maintain his stare and cross my arms.

The end of the demon’s nose goes pink, but it’s the redhead who speaks first.

“Are you gonna let her talk to us like that, Axe?” she whines, and though the question is full of mock-offence, she can’t quite keep the satisfied sneer off her face.

She can’t wait to see me get put in my place.

I don’t bother giving her eye contact.

It takes a moment, but the demon—Axe—composes himself. “I see. You’re too good for your own kind. A blood traitor.”

Damnit! That’s not at all the way this was supposed to go.

A bulky demon—legitimately testing the tensile strength of every fiber in his shirt—with a deep scar running through his eyebrow to below his eye, steps forward. “You want me to teach her a lesson, boss?”
