Page 40 of Tempted Angel

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Yes. I need to work on him. Right now.

The line moves forward, and my throat goes dry.

Instead of saying anything, I close my eyes and think invisible thoughts, hoping he doesn’t turn around.

It’s a strange thing, needing to get close to these demons. Part of me wants to, and part of me dreads it, while all of me needs to.

“Why would you ever close those gorgeous violet eyes?”

His voice winds around me like warm silk. It’s full of sex and unabashed desire, and I don’t want to open my eyes just to hear his voice again without distraction. There’s no mistaking that energy. This is the succubus demon, all right.

“They’re equal in beauty as those adorable dimples.”

Itchy, itchy.

I open my eyes and stare him down, so consumed with showing him exactly how much I didn’t appreciate that compliment, I hardly notice his eyes gleaming like polished topaz.

“Smooth. You know, for a succubus, you’re pretty shit at compliments.”

A spark flares to life in his gaze, and I’m about to step closer to him before I catch myself.

He raises a single brow at me. “Is that so? You seemed to enjoy it.”

“Sure. Compliment a girl on the two most obvious features about her, which both happen to be the only things her asshole father gave her. You couldn’t have known the last part, but where’s the creativity?”

He deflates instantly, and I step around him, grabbing a tray.

“You know... I’m not…” he murmurs behind me.

The plate I just grabbed trembles in my hand. I put it on the tray before anyone notices. But as I choose a sandwich with dark brown bread and a salad, the heir doesn’t continue.

I don’t even hear his tray sliding along the counter behind me.

“Come on, man, you’re holding everyone up.”

I don’t look behind me. Not when his tray clatters to the bar or when it slides closer. But when he catches up, he taps my shoulder.

I don’t want to turn around. Don’t want to deflect whatever ridiculous thing he’s about to say.

I do anyway.

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” I ask with a dimply smile.

“He was right about you.”

“This again? You’re the second heir to say that to me today. It’s getting pretty boring, if I’m honest. And again, no creativity.”

The succubus demon’s throat bobs up and down, almost as if he’s nervous. “There’s something about you, Dove…”

“How ever you’re going to finish that sentence, don’t. OK?” I turn, but he catches my wrist.

When his skin meets mine, my stomach drops out of my body, and judging by Dashel’s wide eyes and even wider pupils, I’d say he experienced the same.

But instead of throwing out an incendiary quip, the succubus demon turns and walks out of the dining hall, abandoning his tray.

I stand there, unsure of what just happened, as I glance back at our table.

Stevie gives me a noncommittal shrug, and despite trying not to, I find my gaze searching for the heirs’ table.
