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Like he’s scanning for signs of suspicious activity? Gauging threats that don’t exist? Wondering how long I’m going to make his life difficult? Huan’s earlier words slide through me like a hot storm.Nothing has to bother you when I’m around.

“Not quite. He looks at you… ” Pat thinks. “There were so many times where you were laughing at the play, and he wasn't even looking at the stage because he didn't want to miss your reaction.”

“I don't think that means what you believe it does.”He's my bodyguard.

“Doesn’t matter. Tell me aboutyou. What didyourheart do when I told you about him watching?”

“It—there was—an… electric flip.”Uh-oh.

She gives me the warmest smile. “That’s living, dear.”

Then she adds, “Don’t guard too much. Be terrified, but go on the ride—with the caveat that this person respects you and deserves your time. If so, you’re in for a treat.”

Before I can get more details, Huan and Rhoda come back. He’s helping her down the aisle since she’s a bit unsteady on her feet. Huan smiles when she hugs him. A place inside me unspools watching them together. Sweet, so achingly sweet, is my bodyguard.

Gongs sound. The next act is starting.

I have to remind myself nothing comes out of anything that happens in London.

To keep myself focused and committed to the promise I’ve made to my mother, there can’t be any lasting changes I bring home with me. Electric feelings would certainly qualify, so none of that.


Huan and I are eating Tesco sandwiches in the hostel kitchen when I get news back to back.

The first set of news is via an email from my mother. The script for our movie isn’t done and in the latest round of development, the production company thinks my character needs a love interest. They are pushing for it.

Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everything is tasteful, my mother writes.I’m on it!

I know rough plot points about this movie we're making, but I try not to think about them as I stare at my Walkers Sensation chips. If I look at one spot enough, I’ll remove my brain fromactingandbeing in love on screenandbig musical Punjabi dance numbersandbeing launched into Indian households as a celebrity.

The second news drops via a hostel employee. He wears a baggy T-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and green flip-flops. There is a very pronounced hair-flick that curves away from his forehead, reminding me of a small wave cresting before it hits the shore. A lazily attempted moustache covers some of his upper lip, appearing even more sparse when you compare it to the thickness of his sideburns. Floyd, according to his name tag.

“I finally found you,” he says to me with no excitement.

“I wasn’t hiding?”

“Some people do when they skip check-out, and I have to hunt for them.” He sits down and shamelessly takes some of my chips. “My preference was to assume you’ve fled so I could donate your stuff to the Lost and Found, but I’ve got a performance review coming up.” He rubs the edge of his eyebrow with his thumb. “It’s been challenging.”

“What do you mean check-out?”

Before he can answer, I flip over my phone and see the date.

“Oh!” I exclaim, the realization dawning on me. “I only booked a bed until today, because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to try out another hostel, but now I like this one. I’ll extend my booking for another week.”

These last few days I’ve slept in a shared dorm. And to stop Huan from pushing his private room on me, I said I was making new friends. It worked. The part about Huan backing down, not about making new friends. With the amount of city exploring I’m doing, by the time I get back to the room, my social battery is a husk. At this point, I am nurturing theoptionto meet people more than doing anything about it—but soon…

Huan puts down his sandwich. “I’ll go to the front desk and sort this out.”

Floyd looks at him. “You are too handsome and weirdly lethal looking for a hostel guest. But you’re also giving me Mom-ager vibes. Who are you?”

I’m snorting with laughter. “You know, I wonder that same question. Often.”

“All he needs now is a lanyard.”

“Or a clipboard.”

“His quiet intensity sends shivers down my back.”
