Page 11 of His to Take

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Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he dropped to his knees before Ajax's imposing figure.I won, he thought, his body trembling with anticipation. He'd finally broken through Ajax's unyielding facade, and now he was about to be rewarded with the rough, dominating touch he craved.

"Is this what you want?" Dylan asked, his voice breathy and full of need. He raised his chin defiantly, hazel eyes meeting the dark depths of Ajax's gaze. "You going to make me suck your cock?"

He could feel himself growing harder by the second, desperate for the taste of Ajax and the satisfaction of knowing he'd conquered the stoic enforcer. But as he knelt there, waiting for Ajax's next move, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Instead of moving towards him, Ajax remained seated in his chair, an infuriatingly calm expression on his rugged face. "Give me twenty."

"Twenty blowjobs?" Dylan started, only to finally realize what Ajax wanted. His confusion quickly turned to annoyance. "You've got to be kidding me!" He glared at Ajax, his eyes narrowing in a mixture of frustration and disbelief. "I don't do push ups."

"Too bad," Ajax replied nonchalantly, unfazed by Dylan's outburst. When Dylan tried to stand, Ajax swiftly brought his legs up and placed his heavy boots atop Dylan's tense back, forcing him back down to the floor. "Now, give me twenty."

Dylan gritted his teeth, his entire body humming with a potent cocktail of anger, arousal, and spite. "I hate you," he spat, unable to contain the venom in his voice.

"Save your breath," Ajax advised, his tone infuriatingly level. "You're going to need it."

With each word, the fire inside Dylan burned hotter, driving him to prove Ajax wrong. He lowered himself to the floor, his chest brushing against the carpet as he started his first push up. His arms ached, and his lungs burned, but he refused to give in. He would show Ajax that he wasn't just some bratty moron, easily controlled and dismissed.

Gritting his teeth, Dylan forced himself to push up from the floor, Ajax's heavy boots pressing down on his back, a reminder of the older man's dominance. "One," he muttered, the word laced with venom as his chest barely grazed the carpeted floor. "Two..."

Above him, Ajax picked up his book again, casually opening the pages like he was completely uninterested in the struggling boy beneath him. Dylan felt a fierce surge of resentment at the way Ajax seemed so nonchalant about it all -- especially with the gay porn still blaring from the TV, filling the room with obscene moans and gasps.

"Three... four..." With each pushup, Dylan's muscles screamed in protest, but his determination to spite Ajax only grew stronger. As he counted, his mind raced with thoughts of how much he despised his captor: for his infuriating composure, his unwavering control, the way he held power over Dylan without even trying -- and, worse, for the way that he didn't seem to care at all.

"Five... six... seven..." Dylan's breaths came in ragged gasps, sweat prickling in hot sweeps over his skin as he fought against the urge to collapse. The combination of physical exertion and the explicit sounds from the TV was driving him mad. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to throw a punch, to scream, or to beg Ajax to finally relieve the tension that was building inside him.

"That one doesn't count," Ajax suddenly spoke, his voice cold and matter-of-fact. "Your form was off. Keep your back straight and level."

Dylan's jaw clenched, anger boiling inside him at the criticism. With a huff, he corrected his form, the strain now even more evident in his trembling limbs. "Eight..."

Just then, the sound of a belt jangling caught Dylan's attention.

He looked up just in time to see Ajax getting his cock out.

Chapter six

The scent of fresh sweat and musk hung heavy in the air. Ajax lounged on the couch, his boots propped up on Dylan's quivering back as the young man struggled to complete another push up. The gay porn playing on the TV was an appropriate raunchy backdrop for their twisted game.

He knew that Dylan was into men. His rotten taste in guys was the whole reason they were here, after all.

He hadn't expected the kid to try to seduce him, though. That was new. The ring of bruises on Dylan's throat were still bright, like a morbid necklace — but here he was, was throwing himself at Ajax without a second thought.

In any other circumstances, Ajax might have taken him up on it. Dylan was pretty, in that edgy, wounded way. It would have been the easiest thing in the world for Ajax to pick him up and throw him onto the bed, shutting that bratty mouth up with his own, his hands tight on that skinny little waist as he slammedinto him. A flush of desire ran through him at the thought, his grip tightening on his book.

But Ajax was on the job — even if it didn't particularly look like it right now, with gay porn blaring in the background. If the other Thorne boys saw him now, they'd never let him live it down.

It would have been easy to write the kid off as a horny idiot. But there was something dark brewing behind those surprisingly sharp eyes. There was pain there, and something desperate. The horny idiot act was just a cover for something that ran deeper than that.

That didn't make Dylan any less annoying, though.

"Seven." Dylan let out a ragged breath, his face flushed with exertion or anger — or both. Though he was clearly struggling, his stubbornness drove him forward. Despite the fact that he clearly couldn't complete the twenty push ups, he refused to submit to Ajax.

"That one doesn't count," Ajax pointed out. "Your form was off. Keep your back straight and level."

"Fuck you," Dylan gasped between labored breaths, but he continued lowering himself into another shaky push-up, sweat dripping from his brow.

Good. The kid wasn't some delicate flower. Ajax couldn't help but smirk at the defiance in those hazel eyes, even as they watered from the strain.

He turned his attention to the porn scene unfolding on the TV screen. A burly daddy dom was pounding a helpless twink into submission, the younger man's whimpers and pleas only fueling his partner's lust. Ajax felt his cock harden as he watched the raw display of dominance and submission.
