Page 16 of His to Take

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Ajax didn't look like he entirely bought it, but it was possible enough. "Can't you behave for just one minute?" Ajax snarled, his breath hot on Dylan's face.

"Never," Dylan snapped back, despite the fear thrumming through his veins. He knew he was being stupid, but the word slipped out before he could stop it.

Ajax held him in place effortlessly, like he weighed nothing at all. The thought made his head spin, and he fleetingly wished the circumstances were different. If it were any other situation, Dylan might have found Ajax's strength and dominance incredibly hot.

"Listen to me," Ajax said through gritted teeth, his dark eyes piercing into Dylan's. "I don't know what game you think you're playing, but if you ever disobey my commands again—"

"What?" Dylan interrupted, his voice betraying a hint of a tremble. "You'll kill me?"

Some part of him had been expecting that the whole time. The mafia were keeping him locked down while they smoothed things over — and then as soon as the coast was clear, they were going to dispose of him.

Ajax's grip on Dylan's wrists tightened for a moment, then seemed to loosen slightly, as if he was struggling to keep control of his anger. "No," he replied, his voice tense. "But I'll make sure you regret it."

The heat between them was undeniable, like a caged beast thrashing against its confines. When Ajax inadvertently brushed up against Dylan, Dylan automatically jerked his hips up to meet the source of that delicious friction. It was as if his body had a mind of its own, desperate for any form of release.

Ajax pulled back slightly, eyes widening in disbelief at Dylan's obvious arousal. "What iswrongwith you, kid?!" he scowled, clearly incredulous at the situation.

Dylan shut his eyes and let out a bitter, breathless laugh. "A lot," he admitted, unable to deny the truth of it. There was an uncomfortable silence, and when he opened his eyes again, he found Ajax staring at him, his gaze intense but unreadable.

"Maybe I should make you do push ups again," Ajax threatened, but his tone was neutral.

"Anything but that," Dylan shivered, his mind reeling from the memory of the last time Ajax had made him perform that particular punishment. But even as he tried to focus on Ajax's words, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the older man's presence. The way he held Dylan pinned against the wall, hands gripping his wrists above his head, sent a wave of need crashing through him.

Either fuck him, or kill him. Ajax had to do one of them, or Dylan was going to go insane.

His heart pounded in his chest, feeling as though it might burst through his ribcage at any moment. His cock throbbed painfully, aching for release as it strained against the fabric of his tight jeans. Every ragged breath he took was laced with the alluring scent of Ajax's scent, a blend of musk and spice that seemed to match the man perfectly.

"Can't you control yourself?" Ajax asked, his voice laden with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

"Nope," Dylan whispered defiantly, though his voice quivered slightly, giving away the turmoil he felt inside. "You want to keep me penned up in here? Then get used to me." Dylan let out a shaky, bitter laugh. "Usually people just fuck me or throw me away, your choice on which."

His bravado was thin and brittle, a defense mechanism he'd honed over years of hardship. Ajax's gaze bore into him, his eyes darkening with an emotion that seemed like anger – but Dylan couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't directed at him. The look unsettled him, making him shiver despite the heat coursing through his body.

"Fine," Ajax said, a dangerous edge to his voice. "I'll find my own way to keep you in line. Take your punishment."

With one hand, Ajax grabbed Dylan by the scruff of his neck, his grip firm and unyielding. Adrenaline surged through Dylan's veins, his heart racing as Ajax pulled him towards the bed.

The older man manhandled him effortlessly, positioning him face down over his knee. Dylan felt off-balance and wildly unsure about what was happening. This was a different kind of fear than he was used to. Ajax's hands on him weren't sadistic – they were stern and powerful, somehow grounding him even as they held him in place.

"What..." Dylan began, his voice cracking under the weight of uncertainty.

"Quiet," Ajax commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

Dylan's breath hitched as the first slap of Ajax's hand connected with his ass, the sting rippling through him like wildfire.

He yelped, squirming against Ajax's vice-like grip, outrage and disbelief making his voice tremble. "What the fuck?!"

"Stay still," Ajax ordered, his voice a low growl that vibrated through Dylan's core. Ignoring Dylan's protest, the older man brought his hand down again, harder this time, causing the younger man to gasp and buck against him.

"Since you can't seem to stop acting like a brat, I'm going to treat you like one," Ajax explained, his voice dark and dangerous. And despite the absurdity of the situation, Dylan felt arousal flood through him, his cock pulsating in response to Ajax's dominance.

"Hell no—!" Dylan began, but was interrupted by another well-aimed slap to his ass, his words dissolving into a gasp.

Each slap reverberated through him, a mix of pain and ecstasy that had him moaning and squirming against Ajax's muscular thighs. As Ajax continued, Dylan found himself lost in the sensations. He could feel his erection pressed hard against thestrong planes of Ajax's legs, the friction only serving to heighten his need.

"Is this what you've been wanting?" Ajax growled, punctuating every word with another slap. "Someone to discipline you?"

"You're wasting your time," Dylan panted. But he was unable to deny the truth of it. The way Ajax's body seemed to mold against his, asserting control and mastery over him, was intoxicating.

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