Page 20 of His to Take

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"Go ahead," Ajax urged, catching the reluctance in Dylan's eyes. "Enjoy it."

A moment passed, Dylan weighing his options, and then decided he really was allowed to enjoy it. The younger man attacked his food, mowing through it like a man on a mission. Ajax couldn't help but chuckle as he watched, indulging his own appetite with more measured bites.

As they ate, Ajax recalled the words that had hung in the air between them earlier — that Dylan hated his job, but had no hope of anything better. His gaze drifted back to Dylan, drinking in the sight of him across the table. The desire that had been simmering within Ajax since their first encounter smoldered inside him like hot coals.

Eventually, Dylan's plate was nearly empty, his utensils slowing as he scraped up the last morsels of his meal. Ajax couldn't help but notice the young man's appetite seemed far from sated, and it made him wonder how many nights Dylan had gone to bed with a gnawing hunger in his belly.

"Excuse me," Ajax called, flagging down a waiter who approached their table with practiced grace. "We're ready for dessert. Something sweet and simple, please. Chef's choice."

Dylan looked up from his empty plate, surprise etched across his features before quickly morphing into suspicion. Neither of them had ordered any desserts. "What's that for?"

"I know when a customer isn't satisfied," Ajax replied, his voice smooth.

"Oh, yeah? And you think I still need more, Mr. Bigshot Restaurant Owner?"

Ajax held Dylan's curious gaze. "Yes."

The waiter nodded before retreating to the kitchen. In the ensuing silence, Dylan's eyes narrowed, searching Ajax's face for some hidden agenda. "What are you angling at?" he finally asked, his tone laced with caution.

"Nothing," Ajax said, leaning back in his chair. "This isn't about you. Let me enjoy myself."

For a moment, Dylan looked genuinely surprised, his guard slipping to reveal a vulnerable flash of astonishment. But just as quickly as it appeared, the vulnerability vanished, replaced by his usual biting sarcasm. Rolling his eyes, he muttered, "Yes, chef."

Ajax grinned at the remark, something warm and possessive curling in his chest as they waited for the additional course. "Behave yourself and eat your dessert."

For tonight at least, Dylan was his to care for, protect, and indulge.

Chapter ten

The hotel room door clicked shut behind them, closing off the noise of the outside world. Ajax's tall, muscular frame seemed to fill the space as he moved with fluid grace, his dark eyes scanning the room methodically.

Dylan couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, his earlier apprehension melting away in the face of Ajax's obvious competence and power. "Checking for assassins? My hero," he teased, leaning against the wall and watching the enforcer work.

Ajax simply grunted in response, finishing his sweep before turning to face Dylan. The intensity in his gaze had a magnetic pull, making it hard for Dylan to look away. He felt a flutter in his chest as he remembered their dinner together -- how they'd sat across from each other like a… like acoupleor something, sharing food and quiet company in a way that was completely foreign to him.

Dylan had never experienced anything like it. He'd never been on a date. When he'd been back home out in the sticks, the ideaof going out with a guy in public was insane -- or suicidal. And then once he'd got to the city… Well, the sort of apps he got used to hitting up weren't exactly about fine dining. The only thing on the menu was his ass.

Just sitting across from someone and sharing a meal… That was new to him.

That waspathetic. But now, his stomach full and his heart lighter than it had been in years, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

Taking a deep breath, Dylan pushed off the wall and stepped closer to Ajax, his eyes locked onto the other man's face. The air between them seemed to hum with unspoken tension, but Dylan refused to let that stop him.

Ajax's dark eyes were trained on Dylan, watching his every movement as he stepped closer, the intensity almost palpable. It was both exhilarating and frightening for Dylan to have Ajax's attention so wholly focused on him — this man who could take him apart, who had made him come, who was there to protect him.

Dylan hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the unspoken tension that hung in the air between them. He swallowed hard, trying to steady his racing heart before taking another step forward. As he closed the remaining distance, he became acutely aware of the heat radiating from Ajax's body, the rich, masculine scent that seemed to envelop him.

He had been with countless men before, but never had he felt so exposed, so vulnerable as he did now in Ajax's presence.

"Everything alright?" Ajax asked, his voice low and measured, betraying none of the emotions that might be simmering beneath the surface.

"Y-yeah," Dylan stammered, cursing himself inwardly for sounding like a scared, uncertain kid. He forced a chuckle, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. "Just admiring the view."

Ajax raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused by his attempt at humor, but said nothing. Instead, he continued to watch Dylan intently, as if waiting for something, some unspoken permission or request.

Dylan felt the uncertainty clawing at his insides, gnawing at his resolve.What if he's just humoring me? What if I'm simply one more person for him to protect, no different than any other?The doubts swirled in his mind, threatening to drown out the burgeoning desire and need that had brought him this close to Ajax.

"Can I—" Dylan started, his voice wavering. He took a deep breath, and settled just for that. "Can I?"
