Page 35 of His to Take

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The clatter in the kitchen had given Ajax an excuse to take a break from the unhappy tension of the dinner party. Now, though, a different kind of break presented itself…

Clearing his throat, he spoke up. "Dylan, can I borrow you for a moment? There's something I need to go over with you in the office."

"Sure, boss," Dylan replied, but he struggled to keep a straight face as he wiped his hands on his apron and followed Ajax out of the kitchen.

As soon as they stepped into the narrow confines of the office, Ajax closed the door behind them and moved in quickly, pressing Dylan against the wall and capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

Just like he always did, Dylan melted into his embrace, wrapping his arms around Ajax's neck and allowing himself to be engulfed by the powerful man who had become his protector and lover.

God, Ajax loved that. He reveled in the feeling of having Dylan so willingly submit to him – the young man who had fought tooth and nail just to survive now entrusted his heart and body to Ajax without question. The knowledge made Ajax feel invincible, a force to be reckoned with as he deepened the kiss further, their bodies grinding together.

He couldn't get enough of Dylan – the way he'd arch his back as Ajax took control, his breathless moans when Ajax's fingers explored every inch of his body, the satisfied smile that graced his lips after they'd spent hours wrapped up in each other. It amazed him how their relationship had evolved from an unexpected encounter to this powerful bond, where Ajax felt truly desired whenever he was with Dylan.

And it was a two-way street. Dylan arched up against Ajax, already hard. He rutted his cock against Ajax's thigh, needy for attention.

It was tempting… But Ajax knew he couldn't let himself get carried away. Not now, not when Zane was still expecting his presence outside.

He reluctantly pulled away from Dylan. "We'll continue this later," Ajax promised, placing a gentle hand on Dylan's cheek. "Right now, I have a professional ship to run, and you've got your job to do."

Dylan pouted, his hazel eyes pleading for just one more stolen moment. He hitched his hips against Ajax, his erection unmistakable. "I can be quick! Just a few minutes more? Please?"

Ajax shook his head, chuckling softly at the playful desperation in Dylan's voice. "If I give in now, I won't be able to stop myself from railing you all night."

"Fine," Dylan huffed, his mouth quirking into a smirk. "But you owe me,boss."

"Trust me," Ajax said, his voice low and husky, "I plan on making it up to you."

Ajax took a deep breath, willing his body to calm down as he gathered himself. He adjusted his tie and smoothed the front of his suit before stepping back into the dimly lit dining room. The sounds of clinking glasses and murmured conversations greeted him as he made his way to the table.

"Trouble all sorted, I hope?" Marsh drawled, his voice smug as he raised his glass in mock salute.

"Of course, Senator," Ajax replied, sliding back into his seat, his eyes flicking towards Zane.

"Fabulous. Now, we were just discussing the finer points of my campaign trail..."

Zane made all the right approving noises to Marsh's bullshit, but Ajax could see it in the tight set of Zane's jaw, the barely concealed disdain in his eyes – Zane loathed Howell Marsh withevery fiber of his being. Ajax found it amusing that the senator seemed oblivious to the fact.

"Your support has been invaluable, Thorne," Marsh continued, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "Together, I'm certain we can make great strides for this city."

Ajax nodded, his own smile a thin veneer of politeness as he listened to the senator drone on. His thoughts, however, kept drifting back to Dylan – to the warmth of his lips, the taste of his skin, the feel of his body, needy against Ajax's own...

The food started to arrive. "Here's your meal, Senator." The sudden appearance of Dylan at the table, a plate of creamy pasta in hand for Marsh, brought Ajax back to reality. Dylan's hazel eyes sparkled as he winked at Ajax, his lips curving into a tantalizing smile. "Enjoy."

"Delicious," Marsh declared, eyeing the plate with undisguised hunger. "This looks absolutely divine."

"Thank you," Dylan replied, his voice smooth as silk. "It's the house's special sauce." He winked.

Ajax's eyes narrowed. He watched as Dylan walked away from the table, his steps confident and cocky.

Dylan was smug. That didn't bode well.

Ajax's gaze fell on the creamy plate of pasta in front of Marsh. Topped with a thick white sauce…

He fought the urge to sigh, knowing full well what Dylan had done. Marsh was about to enjoy more than just a simple meal – if only he knew.

"Enjoy your meal, Senator," Ajax said, his voice steady despite the laughter bubbling under the surface. Marsh nodded absently, already digging into the pasta with gusto.

Ajax focused on his own plate, trying to keep his face neutral as he cut into his steak.

"This is a house specialty, the boy said?" Marsh asked between mouthfuls, gesturing towards his own plate. "You'll have to pass it to my cook. It's divine."

"Ah, sorry, Senator," Ajax replied, forcing himself to suppress the smirk threatening to break free. "It's… a family secret."

"Fine, keep your secrets," Marsh snorted with a dismissive wave. "But you're on to a good thing with this one."

If only you knew, Ajax thought, swallowing down his laughter along with another bite of steak.

It was going to take everything he had to keep up with Dylan – and he wouldn't want it any other way.
