Page 7 of His to Take

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Dylan tried to kick Ajax. Ajax dodged it easily. He rolled his eyes, tightening his grip. "You've got a mouth on you, kid. Not sure if that's gonna help you in the long run."

"Fuck you!" Dylan tried to punch him. His fist smacked harmlessly against Ajax's chest.

Frustrated, Ajax hauled him up, throwing the brat over his shoulder. "Bad form, kid. You'll want to work on that. Your thumb goes outside your fist."

As Dylan tried to kick him, screaming for the cops, Ajax just sighed.

Dante leaned against the open door, smirking. "He's your problem now. Have fun."

And then he shut the door, leaving Ajax holding a squirmy, shouting brat.

As assignments went, Ajax haddefinitelyhad better.

Chapter four

Ahotel again. By now, Dylan wished he would never see a hotel again.

As the hotel elevator doors slid shut, encasing Dylan in a small, claustrophobic space with Ajax, every nerve in Dylan's body was on edge. He had no idea where Ajax was taking him, and the uncertainty gnawed at him.

Where was Ajax taking him?

Was he about to kill Dylan?

That had been his theory right up until Ajax had pulled him from his car and guided him into a hotel. Dylan eyed the elevator doors. Mafia guys didn't kill people in hotel rooms, right? They took them out to the docks, or the desert, or some shit like that.

But maybe Ajax liked to hit up a mini fridge while he murdered people.

He'd brought a bag with him, slung over one broad shoulder, and a metal briefcase. It looked heavy duty. Dylan tried to imagine what was in it: guns, knives, garottes…

Dylan shook his head, trying to keep his mind from drifting. The mafia had kidnapped him, snatching him up just as he was about to run from Logan. They'd held him for hours — or more? Dylan wasn't sure. Locked in the dark backroom of that bar, he'd fallen in and out of exhaustion, not knowing he was about to sleep until he found himself jerking awake. Eventually, he'd just started screaming. His entire body felt soaked in adrenaline and desperation, wired and fatigued.

And it wasn't just fatigue. His throat ached, a painful reminder of his number one worst date. The memory of Logan choking him sent shivers down his spine. Dylan's hand instinctively moved to his neck, as if to protect himself from any further harm.

"You good?"

Dylan startled at the sound of Ajax's voice. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

When Ajax had first come for Dylan in the bar, Dylan had thought for sure that he was about to die. The other mafia guys had looked imposing, but Ajax wasjacked, big and scary and tattooed. The guy looked more like a Viking than a mafia man.

If only guys like Ajax were on the hookup apps… But Dylan supposed that when you looked like that, you didn't really need help finding people who wanted to fuck. Ajax looked like he could pull Dylan apart with his bare hands, and then go back to chopping wood or fighting bears, or whatever it was he did to stay ripped.

But back at the bar, Ajax had spoken to Dylan gently, trying to calm him down. That had caught Dylan by surprise.

It hadn't been enough to make Dylan co-operate, of course. Dylan may have been dumb, but he wasn'tstupid. The mafia didn't kidnap people for their own well-being.

When the elevator dinged, signaling their arrival, Dylan had to stop himself from trembling.Get ready. Find somewhere to run. You already escaped one psycho, you can do it again…!

Ajax, ever the commanding presence, didn't waste any time. "Walk," he ordered.

A heavy sense of inevitability settled on Dylan. He walked along the corridor like a condemned man heading to the gallows.

As they went, Dylan slyly glanced to the side, sizing up Ajax. Yeah, Dylan had definitely never seen any guys that looked likehimon the apps.

And it wasn't for lack of trying. Dylan knew what he liked: older men. Not just their age — there were plenty of older losers out there — but theconfidencethat they had, a self-assuredness that they wore like an invisible aura.

When a certain kind of older guy looked at him with command in his eyes… Dylan wanted to put himself in their hands.

And then he'd always crash and burn. He'd say the wrong thing, or try to push their limits too hard… or just not be enough.
