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And everything I’d worked for up until this point would be ruined.

“Twenty-two,” he said, as if that made a difference. She was my age, and she’d never even truly gotten a chance to live.

I said nothing, just focused on the breaths rattling my ribcage as I watched the people swarm around Brenda’s motionless body. Most people stayed far away. She’d become less than a bug to them, worse than a mess left behind by a pet. One woman simply stepped over the arm Brenda had thrown out in a futile effort to break her fall.

In the distance, sirens blared. Help was coming. Too late for her. For any of us.

“You should go,” Marco said in my ear. “In the mood Lo is in, he might tag you for soliciting. Along with your illegal fight record, you might be looking at more than a book-and-release.”

Incredulous, I stared at the other man. “He might nab me for soliciting when he just snapped her neck?”

Marco smiled, slow and sure. “Ah,amico, you have no evidence. And Lo, he is an upstanding member of this community. He has many friends on the force. Even in the courthouse.” He flicked a finger over the diamond stud in his ear, and two goons materialized out of nowhere. “It would be better, safer, for you if you left before the heat arrives.”

Fury rose up inside me, threatening to block my airway. I couldn’t walk away, not while she lay down there alone. No one was paying her any mind. Not Lorenzo, nor any of the other waitresses I’d seen her laughing with more than once. They knew better. When someone got hurt, the rest of the rats got lost.

“I have business with Lorenzo.” I didn’t spare a glance for the two muscled jackasses crowding close to my back. Not touching, but almost. I could smell the meatball sub Jackass Number One had eaten for dinner on his breath.

“Yes, and it will be seen to once the smoke has cleared. Trust me, you would not want to deal with him tonight.” Another condescending pat on the arm. “Go, Gio. We will be in touch.”

A glance back at the fuckers who shadowed me proved I had no choice but to abide by the dickhead’s wishes. Not because I couldn’t have taken both men. I’d spent many hours training until my hands screamed and my eyes stung with sweat and exhaustion, and I’d honed my skills to a lethal edge. But a scene wouldn’t help Brenda, and it would kill my chance to avenge Emilia.

I would only get one of those, and I’d worked too hard and come too far to screw it up now.

Sending up a quick prayer on Brenda’s behalf, I nodded to the men. “Let’s go.”

As I turned from the rail, a flash of reddish-blond hair caught my eye in the crowd. My stomach fisted and smoothed out again. After the horrors I’d witnessed—and caused—tonight, at least I could tell myself one thing to help mitigate some of the damage. It wasn’t enough to make up for Brenda’s death, nothing would, but it was important just the same.

I’d driven Carly away. She wouldn’t have stayed after I’d gone into the VIP room with Brenda. Which meant she would remain in one piece. The death count was much too high, but Carly would be far removed from all of it.

She was untouched.


And unlike Emilia, she would stay that way. I would stake my life on it.
