Page 3 of Hot Mess Momma

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It's been a couple of hours since my run-in with Mr. Bradford, and I've yet to see him since. He has had meetings all morning, and that was where he was going when he saw me this morning. Mrs. Harper, or should I say, Vivian, as she wants me to call her now, showed me around the office, introduced me to my co-workers who welcomed me with open arms, took me to my desk, and set me up with tasks for the day. I asked what happened to his last assistant, and what I heard wasn't good. The poor girl thought she had a chance with the boss and kept making passes at him and started a rumor around the office that they were together until it got back to Mr. Bradford. They fired her right on the spot, and he hasn't had one since, until me. As soon as I got to my desk, I placed my picture of Savannah on it and made myself a coffee in the break room. I answered phone calls, sent out emails, and wrote up some proposals that Mr. Bradford needed to approve. With only an hour to go, I’d say today was a success. I have a feeling I'm really going to love this job. Tessa already picked up Savannah, and she is loving getting her hair done right now. The elevator dings, telling me someone is getting off, and it's none other than Mr. Bradford himself. Just the sight of him makes my mouth water. But then I think back to his last assistant, and that stops me in my tracks. There is no need to make an ass out of myself and get myself fired for lusting after my new boss. No matter how hot I think he is, maybe I just need to go on a date to get back out there. He makes his way over to my desk, giving me his dimple popping smile.

“How are you doing, Alyssa? Is everyone here treating you right?” He growls the last part out as if the thought of someone not treating me right makes him mad. I shake my head at my ludicrous thoughts and plaster on a smile.

“I'm doing well, Mr. Bradford. Everyone here has been very welcoming. Your mom showed me around and set me up. I left your messages on your desk and did all the work that was left for me. Can I get you a coffee or anything?” He's not looking at me, but at my picture of Savannah.

“No, thank you. I'm okay for now. Is that your daughter?” He has a soft look on his face as he looks back over at me.

At the mention of my baby girl, a big smile graces my face. My baby can always brighten up my day, no matter what mood I'm in. “That's Savannah, my 5-year-old little diva.”

“She’s precious. I just want you to know that if you ever need a day off because she's sick, or she has an appointment, just let me know, and you can take as much time as you need. Mom told me you're a single parent, and being raised by one, I know how hard it can be. Anything you need, you let me know.” He has an intense look on his face as he says this.

I have to swallow a few times to get my emotions under control because of the compassion he has. “Thank you, Mr. Bradford. That means a lot.”

He smiles that smile I'm starting to love. And I've officially lost my marbles over my boss. Danger, danger, back away. “Call me Evan. Since we will be working so close together, there's no need to be so formal. Tomorrow I cleared my schedule, and I don't have any meetings, so how about over lunch we can go over everything and what to expect from the job?”

Oh hell, there's no backing away now that he wants to have lunch with me. Sitting this close to him and smelling his fantastic cologne is making my panties wet. Maybe I just need to take BOB for a spin tonight to get these lust-filled thoughts about my boss out of my head. With my plan in place, I answer him. “That sounds good. I look forward to it.” Good lord, I hope that didn't sound as breathless as I think it did. Looking up at him, I know it did by the sexy smirk on his face.

“Excellent. Since you have already finished everything for the day, why don't you head home, and I’ll see you tomorrow, Alyssa.” The way he growls my name is even sexy.

“Thank you, Evan. I'll see you tomorrow.” When I say his name for the first time, his nostrils flare, and the heated look is back, and that's my cue to get the hell out of there. I gather my stuff and give him a quick smile before I make my way to the elevator, feeling his stare the whole time again. I know I'm in serious trouble here if he's already getting this type of reaction out of me, and it's only been a day.


“You are going to miss this someday.” I tell myself as I step on Legos all the way to the bathroom.

I'mpacingmyoffice,looking at the clock, willing the fucking time to hurry speed up faster. I got here at 6 am because I couldn't sleep. My every waking thought is of my beautiful assistant, Alyssa. My cock wouldn't behave until I had to take care of the problem, and as soon as I calmed down, my thoughts went right back to her, and so did my dick. My dick is raw at this point and dying to sink into her. She is sexy and curvy in all the right places, and I just want her anyway that I can get her. I know she is who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Once I walked into Mom's office and saw her standing there, I knew. She left me speechless for the first time in my life. I also saw the gleam in Mom's eyes. She saw the same thing I did, that Alyssa Edwards was perfect. I can tell she doesn't know what to make of me, but it's damn hard not to make a pass at her. I want her to be completely comfortable with me and for her to know I'm in this for the long haul. She has so many walls up I could see from a mile away deep in her beautiful eyes and I can understand she's a single mom and wants to protect her heart and her baby girl’s.

Being raised by a single mom myself. I know the struggles mom went through just to raise me on her own. She was working two jobs just to keep a roof over our heads and food in my belly. She did an amazing job, and I can’t praise her enough. It's the reason I pushed so hard to make something of myself, so she didn't have to keep killing herself working so much. Not that she will relax now. I’ve offered to send her on vacation anywhere she wants to go, but she's content doing what she does for me. She helps me around the office, making sure all my employees have everything they need. She’s taken on the mom role with some of them who don't have parents and fusses over them. Maybe one day, I will get her to relax. I want to be that person for Alyssa and her daughter, Savannah. Gradually I will tear down those walls brick by brick till she can see the real me, someone who would do anything for her and her daughter. I will get her to trust me to where she knows I would never leave her and that I wouldn’t abandon her at the first sign of trouble. I will hold her heart in my hand like a precious jewel and never break it.

It’s why I cleared my schedule for today. I wanted to spend some time with her alone to get to know her. Hopefully, to ease her mind around me, to want to spend more time with me outside the office and maybe one day getting to meet the biggest part of her. Yesterday, when I saw the picture on her desk, I knew it was of her daughter right away. Savannah is the spitting image of her mother, right down to her smile. It pisses me off to no end that her jackass of a father would abandon such a sweet angel like that. My number one goal now is to take care of them in life; I just pray that she sees me, too. I stop my pacing when I hear the elevator ding, making my heart race because it could only be one of two people, and I know my mom has taken the day off today. Blowing out a breath and I step out of my office just to have it stolen again at the sight of Alyssa.

Today she is in another pencil skirt that hugs her every curve and a white silk blouse that's tight across her tits, making my mouth water. She’s wearing fuck me heels I want wrapped around my head as I eat her out for hours. Just thinking about that has my cock rock hard and no doubt leaving a zipper imprint. I try to be discreet at adjusting myself, but there's really no hiding all hard nine inches. With every step she takes, my heart feels like it's going to burst from my chest. There is a beautiful smile on her face. She just radiates light that I just want to protect from this fucked up world so that nothing happens to her. She hands me a coffee from my favorite coffee shop down the street with a slight blush on her face.

My hand lingers on hers as she passes it over. “Good morning Evan. I picked you up a coffee. Your mom told me how you like it.” Her blush gets brighter the longer I look at her, but I can't help it.

“Good morning Alyssa. Thank you for that. I could use the extra caffeine this morning. How is Savannah doing?” Her smile lights up her face at the mention of her daughter.

“She’s good. Thank you for asking. Excited for school today; they are having a mini-fair with rides. It's all she could talk about.” She laughs, and I could just picture the non-stop conversation about it.

“To be young again. Shall we start the day? I have a few things I left on your desk that you can go over. Just let me know if you have any questions. Don’t forget, I will have lunch catered in. Is Italian okay with you? There's a little mom-and-pop restaurant around the corner that’s one of my favorites?” I have to go back to my office fast before I lose my shit and kiss her like I want to. She keeps biting her bottom lip, and it's making me think all kinds of dirty thoughts.

“Sounds good. I'll get right on it. And that’s perfect Italian is one of my favorites.” She graces me with another beautiful smile, making my knees weak. I may sound like a pussy, but I will be glad to get down on my knees and worship her like she deserves.

I give her one last lingering look before I walk back into my office, but I don’t shut the door wanting to see and hear her at all times. I know I won’t be getting any work done today, and for once in my life, I just don’t care.

We are sitting in my office and have just finished lunch. The first moan out of her mouth at the taste of the food had me almost coming in my pants like a fucking teenager. I will gladly order it again just to hear it. It makes me wonder what she sounds like when she’s coming.

“That was amazing, Evan. Thank you for lunch. I will definitely have to go back there and take Savannah next time.”

“You are more than welcome. I used to work their bussing tables while in school. The owners are amazing people. They used to send me home with the leftovers, and I lived on that stuff.” I laugh out, but it's true.

She laughs along with me. “That was me working in a Mexican restaurant. I used to eat my weight in tacos.” I'm so glad she doesn't see me as a rich, pompous asshole, but as someone who had to work from the ground up. As I'm just about to say something, her phone rings, that's sitting on the table, and I watch as her face gets white as a ghost at who’s calling. It’s Savannah’s school.

She picks up the phone with shaking hands, and I sit up straighter, waiting to see what’s going on. “Hello.” She says in a shaky voice, killing me. All I want to do is hold her. Whatever is said on the other end can’t be good news because she grabs my hand sitting between us and holds on for dear life, digging her nails in me.

“Yes, thank you. I'll meet the ambulance there.” She hangs up, and I watch a tear slide down her face. I turn her face towards me, and the hurt and sadness breaks my heart.

“What happened, Alyssa?” I whisper out, holding my breath.
