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“I love you too, Az, but all I need is you and your love.” He gently places me on the bed and pulls out, making me wince, and that's when I notice we didn't use a condom. I watch as he walks into the bathroom and returns with a washcloth. He washes me up, throws the towel into the hamper, and gathers me up in his arms and reigns kisses all along my neck. He gives me a sensual kiss, so full of love.

“Azriel, we didn't use a condom, and I'm not on any birth control.” I'm not even freaking out either right now because if a baby comes from this, I will be over the moon happy.

I feel him stiffen behind me and fear the worst though that thought was for nothing. He turns me in his arms, and a bright smile is on his face. “I'm so sorry, Eva. I wasn't thinking, but I would be so damn happy if you become pregnant.”

I don't care how rushed this seems when I said I wanted it all, I meant it. “So would I. I've always wanted to be a mom...” before I can even finish my sentence, he interrupts me.

His shift in mood from happy to serious has me a little nervous thinking he's changed his mind. “Umm, not that I'm not happy about you wanting to be a mom, but, Eva, how are you feeling?Your eyes are starting to change to golden now, so I think it's time, but I don't want you to worry about anything. I'll be right here with you every step of the way. I love you. Now, let’s meet your wolf.” He picks me up and lays me on the floor on a pallet of furs I failed to notice before.

Once he has me down on the fur, the pain makes its presence known, ripping all the air in my lungs. I hear his voice fade in and out, and yup, he wasn't lying about the pain for the first time. I can feel my body taking shape, and the burn is unreal. My fangs drop in my gums, then the rest of me takes on the form of a wolf till I'm on all fours, panting and trying to get my bearings. As fast as it came, it’s all over. My head shoots up, looking toward Azriel, who has an expression of awe on his face. His love for me I feel down to my bones. The mate bond is complete till I feel him everywhere within me. The feeling is unreal. All his thoughts and feelings for me, the love, respect, and gratefulness he has for me for walking into his life, make my heart burst.

“God, your beautiful Eva, go look in the mirror and see for yourself. I knew you were going to be magnificent.”

I pad over to the floor-length mirror in the corner and see a beautiful all-white wolf looking back at me. Wow, I can't believe that's actually me right now. It feels like a dream. Padding over to me is Azriel, in his wolf form. Standing side by side, he nuzzles my head while we both rub our scents into each other. The need to run is coursing through me, and it’s as if he anticipates my need to run and stretch my new legs.

“I love you, Eva, so damn much. Let’s go for a run, Gwanaaj. I can feel your need.”

“I love you too, Azriel.”

We both race out of the room while he gives me a slight lead so I can really let go. The back door is already open; no doubt it was Nookomis knowing what happened. I practically fly down the stairs and just let the forest surrounding me take me away. Thefeeling of being one with nature right now is amazing. All the scents and things I wouldn’t usually see while a human is unreal. I can hear Azriel making chase with his wolf, wanting to catch his prize. I decide to play with him, making it harder to catch up and change direction even though I know he can scent me this is too much fun to stop now. He is laughing in my head.

“You wanna play Eva? Once I catch you, mate, you're mine. I’ll always find you, no matter what.”

“Catch me if you can, Az.”

I laugh at him in my head, loving this playful side of him. Zig zagging through the trees, pushing myself harder. This goes on for a while, and my steam is slowly draining, but I do not want to give up just yet. Until what he says makes me stop in my tracks, and Azriel runs into me.

“I don’t want you to leave after this weekend. Let's go get your stuff and move in here. And if you don’t want to, then I will leave and come with you. You are more important than anything.”

I quickly shift back, and so does he. I love it here, so I need no time to even think about this. Just the thought of him saying he would leave his pack for me, which isn’t something I want and never would make him choose between us.

I launch myself into his arms. “Yes, I would love to move in here, and I would never make you choose between the pack and me. We both belong here. I love you.” He grabs me around the waist, lifting me up, both of us naked, making my body heat up, wanting and needing him.

“I love you too. I caught you, baby.” He sends me a wink, making me laugh.

“I’m definitely okay with being right here in your arms where I belong.”

After dinner, we both went back to my apartment and packed up all my stuff, meeting Gabs there and doing the same. Wespend the rest of the day making love, including on the forest floor, not being able to keep our hands off each other. I know my life will be forever changed for the better. This is the path I’ve always meant to be on. I can’t wait till the next adventure with the love of my life by my side.


Looking behind, I am filled with gratitude Looking forward, I am filled with vision Looking upwards, I am filled with strength Looking within, I discover peace.

My life feels like I'm still living in a fairytale. So many years ago, meeting my mate on that Valentine's Day and each day after that has been nothing but amazing. I found my one true love who treats me like a queen. Every year on Valentine's Day, Azriel goes all out. I asked him why he does it because he knows I don’t need much. He just shakes his head at me with a smile and says it was the day fate brought me to him. So we celebrate the first day that we met and I love him all the more for it if that's even possible. Which lets face facts. It's been so surreal. I now turn into a wolf which I freaking love. Having that connection inside you is unreal. I feel truly blessed with everything that I have been given in my life so far. It took me a while to get used to having someone living in my head with me. Don’t even get me started on how long it took to block out certain sounds you really shouldn’t be hearing. Especially when it’s your best friend. I couldn’t look at Gabs and Xander for a week without blushing. But it's been an amazing journey being mated and married to my best friend.

The same month we were mated, and I changed, Azriel gave me a wedding straight out of my dreams that was beautiful. Thefirst time Az met my parents, I was a nervous wreck. It was honestly for nothing as my parents loved Azriel and welcomed him into our family along with the whole pack.

I feel blessed with everything that I have been given in my life so far. It’s been an amazing journey being mated and married to my best friend. The same month we were mated, and I changed, Azriel gave me a wedding straight out of my dreams that was beautiful. The first time Az met my parents, I was a nervous wreck. Running around driving the pack crazy with things that needed doing, even though Az tried to reassure me everything was going to be okay. Because I needed everything to go smoothly, I had a fear that no one would get along. But in the end I had nothing to worry about. Both my parents loved him and welcomed not just Azriel but the entire pack into the family. We said our I do's in front of our family and friends, the people that mean the most to us, at sunset. It was utterly magical.

A month later, we found out I was pregnant, and we were both over the moon with the news. Seven months later, we welcomed our baby girl Savannah into the world. All 8 pounds of her kicking and screaming, looking so much like her daddy. Once Azriel found out I was pregnant, he went even more Alpha, if that was possible. I love him, but he was driving me nuts until I did the one thing I never thought I had to do. Like the grown-up I am, I snitched on him to Nookomis. She took him on a long run and let him see what he was doing was driving me insane, and he needed to calm the hell down. That first weekend, he whisked me away for a much-needed spa vacation and made it up to me in multiple orgasms, and all was forgotten. He really tried to rein it in when we found out we were expecting twins not soon after Savannah was born, but you got to love him for it. How much he loves his family, always willing to do whatever just to see us happy. He definitely goes above and beyond for those that he loves.

So, after a grueling nine months, we welcomed our twin boys, Marco and Matteo, which we named after our dads. And boy, do they all keep us on our toes? Always getting into everything they can and so curious about everything. All three of them would stay in wolf form if we let them. Azriel wasn’t kidding when he said being mated to the alpha would come with responsibilities. At first I was a little scared I was going to screw something up until Nookomis took me under her wing and showed me being a leader wasn't so bad after all. After a few months, I found my place and love every minute of it. I wouldn’t change a thing. I love everyone in the pack and they truly have become my family, and once I had my kids, they were always there for us to lend a hand when needed. What they say is true it takes a village to raise kids and, in this case, a pack. I've scaled back on how many hours I work at the bookstore, so Gabs and I hired people to run the day-to-day operations. And since I supply the pack with any books, they need, I created a girls’ day and book club within the pack where all the women get together just having a good time while the men watch the kids.

Nookomis teaches all the kids the traditions of the Ojibwe people. Making sure they understand the importance of keeping and holding on to them. Never letting anyone tell them they need to forget and let go of the past. The past teaches us life lessons we use in the present. She has been a godsend with them, and they love their time with her. She’s always got some form of treat ready and waiting for them all.

Having three kids has made our sex life a little more challenging at times with keeping quiet, so Azriel and I have had to get more creative, and it’s been nothing but if hotter since day one. My love for him grows daily till all I think about is him. Today is our annual get-together with everyone, and the kids have been so excited. They finally get to show everyone the traditional dance they’ve been working on with Nookomis insecret. They haven't told Az and me anything about it and it's driving me crazy.

My body shivers, knowing Azriel is coming my way before his muscular arms wrap around me from behind. Kissing along my neck, kissing the mate mark he gave me, sending bolts of pleasure coursing through me. I got to mark Azriel with my own mate mark that same day I changed, and it was amazing. After sinking my fangs into his neck, my entire world felt complete. We both now wear matching marks showing all those who come to us; we are mated. I no longer have my dreams to keep me sated. I now live the life that was shown to me all those years ago, and it is so much better than I thought possible. My dreams have come true.

I tilt my head, giving him better access. Even though I had him this morning, my hunger for my mate never fades. “Mmm, did you get everything set up and ready to go?” He’s been working all morning trying to make sure everything is in order for the big party. He hasn’t let me lift a finger at all. So I've been in the kitchen all morning helping prepare all the food.

“It’s all done, Gwanaaj; stop stressing. It’s not good for the baby.” I stiffened in his arms, never thinking he even knew since I only just found out this morning and wanted to wait till later to tell him once the party died down. But I should have known better. He knows my body better than I do. He knew before I did with the other kids.

I place my hands over his that are resting on my still flat stomach. “Are you happy Az? I only found out this morning?”

He turns me around in his arms so we are looking into each other's eyes. Giving me a sensual kiss while stealing my breath. “I’m over the moon happy, Eva. You walking into my life all those years ago made my life complete. You and the kids are my world. I love you, my queen, my mate.”

God, he always knows how to bring my emotions to the front. He gently wipes my tears that are falling, gracing me with his beautiful smile that I love so much. “I love you too, Az, more and more every day.”

He seals our love with another kiss, pouring out his emotions to me. Nine months later, we welcomed our baby boy Jordan into the world, completing our life.
