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“I’ll get it when I deal with the other.”

“Right.” She gave a shudder and slipped by him.

“Living and dining area.” They were open to each other. “Kitchen off to the left. Two bedrooms and a bathroom. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve dealt with the body.” He started to leave, but she looked so lost and alone standing just inside the doorway. Taking her by the shoulders, he leaned down and did what he’d wanted to do for the past forty minutes. He licked her bottom lip before plunging his tongue inside. Making a sound of pleasure, she grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him back.

He pulled away before he said to hell with everything else and took her to bed. There was too much to be done. And her safety came before his pleasure. “Make yourself at home.” He closed the door behind him and stalked to the truck.

The nearby animals had gone quiet, sensing a predator in their midst. He lowered the tailgate and began unknotting the ropes tying the tarp down. It took longer than it should have because he kept glancing at the front window wondering what she was doing.

It would make more sense to take their bags in first, but if he did that, he might not find the strength to leave her again. She was becoming as vital to him as air. Was it due to some spell or was it her natural magic?

He hefted the rolled tarp over his shoulder and headed into the thick woods. It didn’t matter the cause; Zoe had settled into his heart. The only way to get rid of her would be to cut out the organ. Rather than upset him, it…pleased him. Wolves weren’t meant to be alone. Maybe that’s why every lone wolf in the past that hadn’t died in combat had eventually sought death.

Forever was a hell of a long time when you were alone.

Not much had changed since he’d first seen this place. He’d made sure of it, refusing all offers on the surrounding land to keep it pristine. The trails were ones he’d walked as a frightened teenager, uncertain what the future held. The trees were bigger now, the paths narrower, but they were there if you knew where to look.

He arrived at an area with stones that speared into the sky. About five feet tall, they formed a rough circle about six feet in diameter. Taking a running leap, he landed on the top before jumping down into the natural crevice. It was a tight space. Not wanting to leave Zoe alone longer than necessary, he unrolled the tarp. The wolf’s body tumbled out. The fur had begun to disintegrate, revealing bones and decaying organs. It was a grisly sight. Something he’d seen far too many times.

He tossed the tarp out before grabbing the edge of the rocks and hoisting himself up. When his feet hit the ground, he folded the covering. One more thing and he was done. The burner phone he’d used before was in his pocket. He’d put it there before they’d left the safe house. He retrieved it, popped in the battery, and placed the call.

“How may I be of assistance?”The broker’s voice was pleasant, giving no indication of age. He had no identifiable accent.

“I have a job.”

“I didn’t expect to hear from you again so soon. Not another doctor, I hope.”

“Cleanup crew.” He gave the address. “Fix the window and get rid of the mess. Wipe down the entire house.”

“No body?”

“There’s a stack of clothes out back. If it’s still there, remove it. Make sure it hasn’t already been discovered and reported to the authorities before your people move in.”

“Consider it done.” The line went dead, and the phone signaled an incoming text. He sent payment and then removed the battery when it was confirmed. He shoved both pieces into his pocket. It would be safer to dispose of it, but he’d keep it for now. Just in case.

Tarp clutched in his hand, he began to run. Wind ruffled his hair. The wolf inside him howled, longing for freedom, but willing to settle for getting home, getting back to Zoe.

Chapter Seventeen

Zoe felt a little like Goldilocks from the children’s story. She’d always thought it was rather rude of the girl to enter someone else’s home uninvited and use their stuff. Difference here was she had an invitation from the owner to snoop.

Her lips were still tingling where Devlin had kissed her. She touched them, rubbing her fingers along the bottom edge. “Stop it.” Standing around mooning over the man wasn’t helpful. The last thing she needed was for him to return and find her exactly where he’d left her.

She took a tentative step into the room. Scars and dings from age and wear gave the wide plank hardwood floors character. A dark green rug covered most of the living room, creating a cozy space. The deep chair by the fireplace would be perfect for curling up with her laptop or a book.

She ran her hand over the back of the sofa as she headed toward the dining area. Wooden table and chairs. Sturdy and inviting. The cupboards in the galley kitchen were white shaker-style. The appliances were stainless steel.

“Not too big. Not too small. Just right.” There was a warmth to the place that was welcoming. Needing a bathroom, she circled back to the living area where a small corridor jutted off. She opened the first door. A small room with a bed, nightstand, and chest of drawers. She closed it and went to the next one.

“Wow.” A deep, inviting claw-foot tub stood under a window. The double vanity resembled an antique dresser, but the slab on top was stone and the sinks were deep white porcelain. A shower stall gleamed with white tiles. It was roomier and more luxurious than she’d expected. The warmth from the wooden vanity and the deep green towels kept it from being sterile. After taking care of business, she moved on.

The final door opened to the master bedroom which was dominated by a large bed. The carved headboard looked like something out of a museum. Curved vines and flowers twined across the dark wood.

A door opened. “Zoe?”

A knot in her stomach unclenched. “In here.” Devlin’s face was grim when he joined her. And why wouldn’t it be. While she’d been exploring the comforts of the house, he’d been getting rid of a body. “Did everything—”

“It’s taken care of.” He was loaded down with their luggage, so she stepped out of the way. After he set everything on the bench at the end of the bed, he rolled his shoulders. “You should rest.”
