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“It was the right one.” He stood and slung a duffel bag over one shoulder and a knapsack over the other. She hadn’t realized he’d had them tucked beneath the chair, was packed and ready to leave as soon as they were done. “I need to talk to someone before we leave.”

He’s not abandoning me.The bone-deep relief was quickly followed by confusion. She’d planned on leaving only seconds ago. Her emotions were on a teeter-totter, going up and down from trust to suspicion. The ache in her hand amplified. She clenched her fist and rode out the pain.

A large man with short blond hair and a trimmed beard strode across the lobby toward them. He wore a suit and tie but radiated menace. She wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley. He ignored her completely, his attention on Kade. “You have a pick-up?”

“Yes.” Kade rattled off a string of letters and numbers. The man replied with another. Before she could stop him, Kade plucked the portfolio out of her hands and handed it to the stranger. “Keep it safe. Put it with the other.”

She almost lunged for it, but she’d wanted her work safe from Solange. It was why she’d contacted Kade in the first place. Having it safe would be one less thing to worry about.

“Yes, sir.” Gripping the handle tightly, the stranger walked away. Her work disappeared out of sight.

The entire transaction was like something out of a James Bond film. “Who was that?”

“A secure delivery service.”

She frowned up at Kade. “Yeah, that was no Fed-Ex driver.”

His deep chuckle seeped into her like a warm hug. “No, he’s much better trained and more discreet.”

She’d grown up surrounded by the trappings of a wealthy family, but this…this was beyond her experience. “Who exactly are you, Kade Alvarez?” It was a question she’d asked him before and would keep asking until she got a satisfactory answer.

Hand on the small of her back, he herded her away from the main entrance and toward the side one. “I keep telling you. I’m the gray wolf.”

Chapter Eight

He shouldn’t have been quite so blunt, but he was tired of skating around the issue. Besides, she needed to accept the truth to protect herself and help him.

The subway platform was crowded. It wasn’t peak time, but there were always people going somewhere in a city of this size. Standing beside Luna, he kept his big body between her and the mass of humanity milling around waiting for the next train. He wanted to take her hand, but that was out until he understood the nature of the magic affecting her.

He wished she’d say something. She hadn’t spoken a word since he’d hustled her out of the hotel and three blocks over to the nearest station. He’d paid cash for both of them. It wasn’t foolproof—there were cameras everywhere—but it made it more difficult to be tracked. Anyone with sufficient knowledge or money could find someone to tap into the feeds. But that would take time.

“Won’t be long,” he leaned down and whispered in her ear. He’d already picked up the sound and subtle vibration of the train.

Her hands fisted the strap of her purse, squeezing hard enough to turn her knuckles white. Her pupils were dilated, her skin pale and clammy. The corners of her mouth were tight. All indications she was in pain. “Maybe I should go home.”

She wanted to get away from him.

Ignoring the tightness in his chest, he strove for logic. It, not emotion, was the best approach. “Do you think that’s wise? Chelsea would tell Solange where you live, but she won’t have to. I guarantee she already knows.”

She shook her head. “You realize how insane this all is, right? I’m a painter. I work at a gallery. I’m not some international spy.”

“Neither am I.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Her eyes flashed with annoyance. “I’m sure you’d lie about it, in any case.”

That had his hackles rising. “I might not tell you everything, but I won’t lie to you.”

“Right,” she scoffed. “You’re the gray wolf.” Pain flashed over her features. “You don’t have to keep making fun of me. It might not mean anything to you, but he’s special to me.”

Fuck!He was making a complete mess of this. “I’m not making fun of you. Believe me. No one is more serious about the gray wolf than I am.” If he stripped off his clothes and shifted, there’d be no doubt. It would also violate every rule of his kind, not to mention start a riot among the humans.

Before he did something stupid, the screen flashed the train’s arrival. The first cars rushed past, sending a blast of heated air over them before it finally came to a halt. As soon as the doors parted, he wrapped one arm around her waist and propelled her forward, not giving her time to rethink going with him. She was closer to bolting than he’d realized. Using his size to advantage, he got them on before the doors closed and they began to move.

All the seats were taken. He hated being surrounded by people. With his back exposed, there was no way to protect her from all threats. Swearing under his breath, he maneuvered them off to one side. Two men in suits were seated near the door. Both were tapping away on their phones.


“Fuck off,” one answered, his eyes never leaving the flashing screen.
