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“How much?”


The cords of his thick neck tightened as he canted his head toward the painting. “How much?”

An icy chill surrounded her. She glanced at the painting and back at Kade, uncertain she wanted to part with it. The image of the wolf came from her heart, her very soul. Selling it would be like selling a piece of herself. “Twenty thousand.” She named the outrageous sum ten times the actual asking price.


Her arms dropped back by her sides. “What?”

Reaching out, he slid one finger down the side of her face, the unexpected warmth seeping into her skin. Goose bumps rose on her arms. “I’ll take it.”

“We don’t accept checks.” They did, but from established clients, which he wasn’t. She’d lose her job if Chelsea heard her talking to a customer this way. Well, tough shit. She worked here because she loved art and people, not because she needed the money. There was no denying the commission she’d make from the sale would pad her bank account nicely, but more than that, it would take her career as an artist to the next level.

He casually reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulled out his wallet, and removed a sleek black credit card. “Will this do?”

A fine tremble started at her toes and rose until her entire body was shaking. She’d seen a card like this once before when a Saudi Arabian businessman had stopped into the gallery to buy a gift for his wife. An elite portion of society had them. They had no limit.

“Why do you want it?” The one area of her life where she had confidence was her art. She knew she was good. Damn good. But she was an unknown artist, the subject matter was unlike anything else in the place, and the asking price was beyond steep.

“Because it belongs to me.” He reached up and carefully stroked his fingers over the painting, pausing on the marking on the wolf’s chest.

Images of that same strong hand caressing her naked skin made her breath catch in her throat. Her nipples tightened beneath her clothes. Heat spiraled down, pooling between her legs. She must have made a small sound because his head jerked back toward her. His nostrils flared. His gray eyes narrowed. Then he smiled. There was nothing pleasant about it. It was the smile of a predator that’d scented prey. An image popped into her head of the big bad wolf and Red Riding Hood.

Stop it!Her imagination was out of control. He was a powerful man with money, used to getting his way.You’ve handled his kind before.Ignoring her wayward body, she took a breath to center herself. “If you’ll come with me, I’ll deal with your purchase.”

“I’ll take care of our guest.” Chelsea stepped into view. She was smiling, but there was a tightness around her eyes and mouth that said she was anything but pleased. Luna hadn’t heard or seen her boss approaching but had never been happier to see her, in spite of her mood.

“Of course,” she murmured. It was the only acceptable answer if she wanted to keep her job. Luna might rake in sales, but she wasn’t the owner. “This is Chelsea, owner and manager of the gallery.”

She gave a low laugh. “No introduction necessary. We’re already acquainted.”

Something dark and deadly stirred inside Luna at her boss’s possessive tone. Her gaze narrowed on where Chelsea’s hand gripped Kade’s arm. How well acquainted were they? Not her business. He was nothing to her. What did she care what they did together?

Except she did.

“We met briefly when I walked in earlier this evening.” His tone was so cold and dismissive Luna half expected ice crystals to form in the air around him. “I was speaking to Luna about her painting that I wish to purchase.”

Either Chelsea was dense or refused to believe she couldn’t charm Kade—likely the latter—because she laughed again and rubbed her shoulder against his. “Are you sure you wantthispainting? There are more sophisticated ones downstairs by established artists.”

The dig to her work made her wince, but she quickly evened out her expression, not wanting to show how much it hurt. Feeling like a third wheel, she stepped away.

“Tony needs help downstairs.” It wasn’t a suggestion but an order.

Swallowing her anger, she backed away. “I’ll see to it. By the way, the purchase price is twenty thousand.” Gaining some satisfaction at the shock on her boss’s face, she headed to the stairs.

Without looking back, she felt Kade’s eyes on her as she walked away.

Chapter Two

The painter had claws.

Both he and his wolf approved. He wanted to chase her down and drag her off somewhere they could be alone but refrained. She was wary enough as it was. She was attracted to him and didn’t want to be. He could relate.

A faint whiff of lavender, likely from soap, mixed with the spicier note of her arousal and the sweet cherry of her lip gloss clung to the air around him. His wolf wanted to roll around in the scent until it covered him.

It faded rapidly, overpowered by Chelsea’s perfume. He wanted to growl and snap at the older woman for the interruption, even though it was for the best. His primal nature was riding perilously close to the surface. Something about Luna called to that part of him. She was tall enough that their bodies would fit together perfectly when they made love. Her dress wasn’t fitted, but there was no hiding the rounded curve of her hips and generous swell of her breasts. His dick stirred, causing him to swallow a groan. His fingers itched to spear through her wild and untamed hair and grip it as he fucked her until she screamed in ecstasy.
